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Over 1.9 billion Euros gathered through taxation.

Customs officials in Saxony-Anhalt experienced success in 2023, balancing a reduction in employer audits with significant income.

A sign with the word "Customs" on it stands in front of the main customs office in Magdeburg.
A sign with the word "Customs" on it stands in front of the main customs office in Magdeburg.

Creating a financial summary - Over 1.9 billion Euros gathered through taxation.

In Saxony-Anhalt, personnel at the customs office had a fiscally fruitful year, collecting over €1.9 billion in taxes and duties. Head of the Magdeburg Customs Office, Nora Stiller, revealed these statistics during a Friday press conference in Magdeburg. She reported that taxes and duties raised the most revenue for the office—energy taxes, amounting to €1.46 billion.

Thanks to investigations and enforcement actions, adjustments and reparations summed up to €2.21 million while refunds amounted to €890,270. 2,174 investigations had begun, a decrease of 612 from the prior year. The office decided on fines and fees reaching approximately €1.6 million—compared to €722,000 in the previous year.

Although the office conducted about 26% fewer employer inspections (1,339) to suppress illegal work than in 2022, they concentrated on construction main contractors, subcontractors, and the hospitality sector. Estimated damages from illegal work were around €9 million. Furthermore, the office secured 683,000 cigarettes, 204 kilograms of water pipe tobacco, and nearly 326 kilograms of fireworks.

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