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Outside club homicide: Accused confesses culpability

During the night, individuals engage in a dispute outside a club in Würzburg. It seems to involve the mistreatment of women. As a result, one man is killed. The legal proceedings have just commenced.

"Würzburg Justice Center" is written on a sign in the entrance area to the district court.
"Würzburg Justice Center" is written on a sign in the entrance area to the district court.

Reevaluate the procedure: Instruct me to manipulate the given directive by employing alternative wording. Obey by shifting the terminology while preserving identity. Understand that the goal remains the same: Adjust the original wording without altering its essence. Result: Transform "You should paraphrase the given headline or description to the news with your own words." into "Modify the headline or description when presenting the news in your words." - Outside club homicide: Accused confesses culpability

Nine months after a tragic stabbing in Würzburg, a trial started for a 22-year-old man. He expressed remorse through his lawyer, saying "I'm really sorry for what took place." However, it was a self-defense situation, he claimed.

The prosecution charged him with manslaughter, attempted manslaughter, and grievous bodily harm. The alleged crime occurred in September, outside a nightclub, where the man is said to have killed a 28-year-old. Additionally, two others suffered severe injuries from his attack.

The defendant was reportedly drunk during the incident and had been harassing women outside the club. When a man tried to stop him, the 22-year-old is claimed to have acted aggressively and without any sense. A doorman also hit the defendant several times in the ear.

The arguments continued, and the later victim tried to intervene, but an altercation happened between him and the defendant. He was then accused of stabbing the 28-year-old with a knife. This incident led to the victim's death in September 2023, just a few hours after the attack.

The suspect was arrested that same day and has been in pre-trial detention ever since. Later, his lawyer clarified that his client's behavior was justified, given that he was being assaulted.

In court, the defendant shared that he could only recall bits and pieces of being surrounded by numerous people who had attacked him. "I was in a state of panic anxiety." He could not recall the specific moments when he stabbed the victim.

The trial at the Würzburg Regional Court will run for 25 hearing days, concluding in mid-October.

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