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Organic farms welcome guests for an exclusive peek into their operations.

In the Hessian ecosystems, avoid showcasing smoky eye makeup or unnatural colorings like purple cows. Instead, promote knowledge on the cultivation and processing of eco-friendly food sources.

The undertaking additionally encourages attendees of the Hessian Bio Days to acquire knowledge on...
The undertaking additionally encourages attendees of the Hessian Bio Days to acquire knowledge on the manufacture and handling of organic produce.

- Organic farms welcome guests for an exclusive peek into their operations.

Over a hundred businesses will welcome visitors from September 6 to 15 during Hessian Bio Weeks. Through farm and orchard tours, festivals, and engaging activities, they aim to educate curious individuals about the eco-friendly production and handling of food in accordance with organic guidelines.

The "No B.S., Just Real Farmers" slogan is what Gutes aus Hessen marketing society guarantees for the Bio Weeks. Producers aim to elaborate during this extended event on the origins of the produce, the labor involved in a bag of potatoes, the ethical treatment of animals, and the merits of shopping locally.

Multiple organic farmers have experienced tougher times. As reported by organic farmer Thomas Wolff from Reichelsheim (Wetterau district), who sells his personal organic provisions directly through his company Querbeet, the economic situation has changed since the COVID-19 surge. Some consumers have opted for more affordable items from conventional farming or purchased organic products at discount stores and supermarkets due to inflation over the past two years.

Despite the challenges faced by some organic farmers, the Bio Weeks provide an opportunity to showcase their offerings. Visitors can interact with local organic dairy farms, possibly learning about the care given to their ['Cows'] and the organic milk production process.

Furthermore, The "Moo-ving Milk" festival, which is part of the Hessian Bio Weeks, allows attendees to appreciate the journey of organic milk from the ['Cows'] to their kitchen tables.

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