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Opt-out solution for organ donations: Dreyer in favor of a new approach

Many people still die because they do not receive a necessary organ in time. Organ donations are even declining. Rhineland-Palatinate is supporting a proposal by several federal states for a new approach to an opt-out solution.

Malu Dreyer (SPD), Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, speaks at the SPD's regular
Malu Dreyer (SPD), Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, speaks at the SPD's regular national party conference.

Health - Opt-out solution for organ donations: Dreyer in favor of a new approach

The Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, has spoken out in favor of introducing the opt-out solution for organ donations. This regulation could save human lives, the SPD politician told the German Press Agency in Mainz. Dreyer's "traffic light" cabinet had previously decided to support a motion by North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse to "introduce an objection solution as the basis for the permissibility of organ removal in the Transplantation Act". Under this regulation, everyone is automatically considered an organ donor unless he or she objects. The motion is on the Federal Council's agenda on Friday.

Many patients have to die even though they are on the waiting list for an organ, said Dreyer. The average waiting time for a donor kidney is eight to nine years and the situation is deteriorating further as organ donation numbers are declining. "With this resolution, we are calling on the Federal Government to introduce a bill that provides for an opt-out solution."

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach(SPD) had also spoken out in favor of the Bundestag making a new attempt at an opt-out solution. However, this regulation was rejected by the majority of the Bundestag almost four years ago.

According to surveys, the majority of the population is basically willing to donate organs, Dreyer emphasized. However, very few people were willing to do so during their lifetime. Information campaigns had not been successful either. "I am convinced that we could help many more people by introducing an opt-out solution," said the SPD politician.

Almost all countries in Europe with a high volume of organ donations had introduced the opt-out solution as a basis. "By introducing the opt-out solution, the Federal Republic of Germany would lay an essential foundation for catching up with the successful organ donation countries in Europe and significantly improving the care of the population," said Dreyer.

Agenda item Bundesrat Bundestag decision on organ donation

Read also:

  1. The SPD politician Malu Dreyer, serving as Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, advocates for implementing an opt-out solution for organ donations, a stance supported by her 'traffic light' cabinet.
  2. Dreyer shared this view with the German Press Agency in Mainz, highlighting that this regulation could potentially save lives and is currently on the Federal Council's agenda for Friday.
  3. Under the proposed opt-out solution, anyone would be regarded as an organ donor unless they explicitly object, a stipulation supported by North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg, and Hesse.
  4. Dreyer pointed out that numerous patients tragically die despite being on organ donor waiting lists, with an average wait of eight to nine years for a donor kidney, a situation worsening due to declining organ donation numbers.
  5. Federally, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) too advocates for the Bundestag to reconsider the opt-out solution, a stance that was rejected by the majority four years prior.
  6. A majority of the population expressed willingness to donate organs in surveys, according to Dreyer; nonetheless, very few adopt this decision during their lifetime, and information campaigns have yielded minimal results.
  7. In countries with high organ donation volumes, such as most in Europe, the opt-out solution is the basis for these successful programs, and Dreyer believes that implementing it in Germany would significantly improve population healthcare and boost the nation's position in Europe on organ donations.




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