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Opposition voices concern over Berlin's budget disorder

Finance senator readies parliament for tough circumstances, as opposition reconciles with "black-red" policy. Budget conflicts fuel speculation of financial turmoil.

Green budget expert André Schulze has accused the Senate in the House of Representatives of budget...
Green budget expert André Schulze has accused the Senate in the House of Representatives of budget chaos and a lack of planning security.

Senate: Referring to a legislative body at the national level, a group of elected representatives who create laws. - Opposition voices concern over Berlin's budget disorder

In the present instance, all political parties in the Berlin state parliament share a common understanding: the Left, Greens, and AfD are criticizing the mismanagement of finances by the black-red state government. However, even Finance Senator Stefan Evers, a member of the CDU, comments that such a situation cannot last indefinitely. He remarked in the state parliament, "Since 2019, state spending has nearly exploded." He continued, "Money was used to solve every real or perceived problem, often borrowed or not even existing." It's time to stop. "We've reached our budget limit," Evers, who wants the state parliament to approve budget cuts, said.

Finance Senator Urges for Budget Cuts

"State expenditures need to be reduced gradually to a regular, sustainable level," the senator requested. "Berlin can, Berlin must, and Berlin will function with less money, maybe even better," insisted Evers. The process will involve meticulously scrutinizing each and every expenditure and analyzing it from all angles. "This is a long journey with some tough negotiations ahead," he stated.

Torsten Schneider, the SPD's parliamentary leader, acknowledges the difficulty of the economic situation. However, he agrees with Evers that drastic budget cuts are necessary. He opined, "A lean budget that's fair and balanced is the ultimate goal."

Christian Goiny, the CDU's budget expert, agreed that tough decisions would have to be made in the future. He also stated, "We're at a turning point in budget and financial policies."

The Greens Argue for Responsible Budget Planning

André Schulze, the Green budget expert, criticized the Senate for the chaotic state of the budget. Employees in the state and districts are unsure about their projects' future, and social service providers are unclear about the approval of funding decisions. "This is the opposite of responsible politics," Schulze claimed. He criticized the lack of fiscal planning and security during these turbulent times.

The Left Criticizes the State Government's Lack of Financial Strategy

Steffen Zillich, the Left's budget expert, criticized the Schwarz-Red coalition for its optimistic approach to the double budget of 2024/2025 earlier. The current budget promises more than it can deliver, incurring an impending financial disaster. He described the Senate's budget performance as "a budget with no plan or direction, with uncertainty everywhere."

The AfD Calls for the Enforcement of the Debt Brake

Kristin Brinker, the AfD parliamentary group leader, criticized the Schwarz-Red government for creating an unprecedented level of financial chaos in Berlin. The Senate was squandering taxpayers' money, overspending, and making empty promises, she stated. She concluded, "Saving is imperative. We need to adhere to the debt brake."

To balance the budget for the coming years, the double budget, approved last year, has a volume of €39.3 billion for 2024 and €40.5 billion for 2025. In a move towards reducing state spending, €1.75 billion will be cut from the budget this year. Additional cuts totaling €2 billion will be made for 2025, and more potential savings might become necessary if tax revenues decline. The method of achieving these cuts has not yet been determined.

Evers estimated that the financial requirement for 2026 would be €5 billion if no changes were made to the budget. If no changes are made, some expenditures will need to be permanently reduced.

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