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Opposition in Bundestag sees coalition at an end - debate after Chancellor's speech

Friedrich Merz (CDU), leader of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, has accused the government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) of losing its ability to act. "You no longer have the support of even part of the population, let alone the majority of the population, for any of your government's...

Merz and Scholz in the Bundestag
Merz and Scholz in the Bundestag

Opposition in Bundestag sees coalition at an end - debate after Chancellor's speech

The traffic light coalition has "no idea, no plan, no concept left for Germany" and is only being held together due to "raw power," Merz criticized. As evidence, he cited the coalition's difficulties in presenting a budget proposal for the coming year.

The economic and political weakness of Germany has consequences for all of Europe, Merz criticized. "No other European country is currently causing as much uncertainty and ambiguity as Germany," he said. Germany, however, should be the stability anchor of Europe.

Merz reacted to the previous government declaration of the Federal Chancellor with his speech. Scholz had acknowledged in it that politics had lost trust - at the same time, he listed a series of measures that he considered successful for his coalition. Merz countered that the Chancellor's statement was "really caricature-like." The CDU chairman held the politics of the Federal Government responsible for the strengthening of extreme political forces.

CSU state group leader Alexander Dobrindt accused the coalition of failing to draw lessons from their poor performance in the European election. Dobrindt summarized: "They have done nothing about migration, economic weakness, and wealth loss: They have no plan, they have no idea for the country, and some even question whether they are still a coalition."

AfD chairman Tino Chrupalla accused the coalition of not representing the interests of citizens. "Only when the citizens are picked up and feel recognized will they also accept the institutions and the actors behind them," he said. But this was not happening. "Exactly that is the reason, Mr. Scholz, why they received this clique at the European election."

Even Sahra Wagenknecht, an MP from the BSW, accused the coalition of ignoring the concerns of the people. "Your understanding of democracy is really remarkable: The voters give you and the 'traffic light' a reprimand of some kind, and you just keep going, as if nothing had happened," Wagenknecht said. She found that "simply repulsive."

  1. The Bundestag is currently grappling with the Chancellor's speech, as criticisms from opposition parties like SPD's Olaf Scholz, CDU's Friedrich Merz, and CSU's Alexander Dobrindt continue to dominate the debate.
  2. Merz, in particular, has been harsh, labeling the coalition as having "no idea, no plan, no concept left for Germany" and being held together only by raw power.
  3. This criticism came after the coalition's difficulties in presenting a budget proposal for the coming year, which Merz sees as a reflection of Germany's economic and political weakness.
  4. Merz also argued that this weakness has consequences for all of Europe, stating that Germany, as the stability anchor, should not be causing such uncertainty and ambiguity.
  5. In response to the Scholz government's declaration, Merz gave a speech of his own, countering the Chancellor's listing of successful measures as a caricature.
  6. Dobrindt, the CSU state group leader, added that the coalition has failed to draw lessons from their poor performance in the European elections, particularly in addressing migration, economic weakness, and wealth loss.
  7. AfD chairman Tino Chrupalla also criticized the coalition, accusing them of not representing the interests of citizens and questioning their representative status following their performance in the European elections.
  8. Even Sahra Wagenknecht, an MP from the BSW, joined the chorus, accusing the coalition of ignoring the concerns of the people and finding their approach to democracy "remarkable" and "simply repulsive."

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