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Opposition criticizes additional jobs in the state

The governing SPD party emphasizes that around two thirds of the new jobs are for teachers. And the other 350?

Can the administration grow with a declining population? Many new hires are teachers, but by no...
Can the administration grow with a declining population? Many new hires are teachers, but by no means all of them.

Administration - Opposition criticizes additional jobs in the state

After the criticism of the State Audit Office towards the personnel policy of the state government, the government and opposition are arguing about the newly created positions.

The spokesperson for the governing party SPD referred to the fact that 657 of the 1,000 new jobs this year were for teachers. "But new positions were also created in other important areas, such as for example at the State Audit Office, to better cope with the increasingly difficult tasks," explained the financial policy spokesperson of the Social Democrats, Tilo Gundlack. He named no further areas.

The FDP demands a cost-cutting measure for the state

Critical voices came from the opposition, also in view of the shrinking population of the state. The financial policy spokesperson of the Liberals, René Domke, demanded a slimming down of the administration.

"We need a state that is really effective in its core areas, without spreading into all areas of people's lives," so Domke. However, the state government is sticking to the motto "more is better" instead of a sustainable concept.

The AfD financial politician Martin Schmidt stated: "It is not acceptable that in a state with a declining population, the administration continues to grow." The personnel increase burdens the taxpayers significantly.

Population decreased by 2.4 percent

Rechnungshof President Martina Johannsen warned: "With a growing number of state employees, there is also a significant increase in personnel expenses." In addition, a large administration is not automatically also a good administration. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, according to the latest census on May 15, 2022, still has 1.57 million inhabitants – 2.4 percent fewer than in 2011.

  1. The State Court of Audit, led by President Martina Johannsen, has voiced concerns about the personnel policy of the state government in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
  2. René Domke, the financial policy spokesperson for the opposition party FDP, has called for a reduction in the state's administration due to the shrinking population.
  3. As a response to the criticism, the SPD government highlighted the creation of 657 new teacher positions, but also pointed out the need for additional staff in other vital areas such as the State Audit Office.
  4. The AfD's financial politician, Martin Schmidt, agreed with Domke, expressing concern over the growing administration in a state with a declining population, which significantly increases the burden on taxpayers.
  5. Meanwhile, the President of the State Court of Audit, Martina Johannsen, cautioned that a larger number of state employees also leads to a significant increase in personnel expenses, and that a large administration is not necessarily a good one.

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