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Opinion: Kamala Harris is the key to Biden’s political survival

Harris is the only figure who can save Biden’s candidacy at this point, writes Julian Zelizer.

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Opinion: Kamala Harris is the key to Biden’s political survival

At a minimum, the president’s struggles to articulate his thoughts and his meek physical demeanor have pushed Democrats into a serious conversation about whether he can defeat former President Donald Trump, who many agree is a fundamental threat toour democracy.

But talk of replacing him on the ticket, with a little over a month left before the national convention, has reached a fever pitch. Democrats are already debating who might be capable of stepping in at this late hour — whether it’s Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, California Gov. Gavin Newsom or others — in order for the party to retain control of the White House come November. Down-ticket Democrats are also looking for someone up top who won’t hurt their chances of victory.

But the person who determines what happens next isn’t any of these alternative candidates or Biden himself, who won’t have another serious opportunity to address these concerns until the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in late August.

The most important person is now Vice President Kamala Harris.

Harris, who has been continually scrutinized and criticized, is the only figure who can save Biden’s candidacy at this point. In the coming weeks, she’ll need to demonstrate that she can command the public stage by talking about issues like reproductive rights and offering the strongest prosecutorial argument in favor of the president. She needs to show the kind of gravitas that voters expect of a president, one they trust to handle the problems of the day. The more she can do this, the more confidence she can instill in another term for Biden.

If Harris can shore up confidence among enough persuadable voters in swing states that she would be able to step into the job if necessary, and that she could serve as a governing co-partner to Biden in the meantime, that will do more than anything else to stabilize the party. Similarly to how former Vice President Dick Cheney provided some insurance that a young and untested George W. Bush would be able to handle the responsibilities of the presidency in 2000, Harris can do the same, helping allay the concerns voters might have about Biden’s age.

Besides, if Biden does end up stepping aside, the odds are still that Harris would be the nominee. It would be extraordinarily risky for Democrats to somehow push aside the first Black and Asian American female vice president and put forth a completely new ticket.

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In the short-term, Harris needs to make a convincing case that she is energized and more than capable of running a successful administration that builds on the domestic and international accomplishments of Biden’s first term. This will ease the way for Democratic officials and voters to double down on the existing ticket. The vulnerabilities that Biden exposed last night, both as a candidate and a president, will seem less alarming if Harris is perceived as strong and competent both on the campaign trail and as a leader.

For all the head scratching about her tenure as vice president, it is not impossible for her to achieve this goal. As she demonstrated in the primary debates of 2020 and in the Senate, she would be comfortable going toe-to-toe with Trump on the debate stage.

Harris is the key to Biden’s survival. During the next few weeks, her strengths or weaknesses on the campaign might very well determine the future of our 46th president.

In light of these challenges, various Democratic leaders and officials are sharing their opinions on who could potentially replace Biden on the ticket or bolster his campaign. Many believe that Vice President Harris, with her commanding presence and ability to address pressing issues, could be the game-changer.

Given the crucial role Harris plays in shaping public opinion, her ability to articulate her opinions on key issues like reproductive rights and demonstrate strong leadership could significantly impact Biden's chances of securing another term.

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