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Operator plans energy storage on Brokdorf nuclear power plant site

The operator of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf is proposing to build a battery storage facility. Construction work could start in the coming years - but the old power plant is still standing.

Cooling towers of a nuclear power plant stand behind a prohibition sign.
Cooling towers of a nuclear power plant stand behind a prohibition sign.

Nuclear power - Operator plans energy storage on Brokdorf nuclear power plant site

A battery storage facility is to be built on the site of the decommissioned Brokdorf nuclear power plant. The storage facility is to be expanded in two stages to an output of up to 800 megawatts and a storage capacity of 1600 megawatt hours, according to the operator PreussenElektra.

"With the Brokdorf site, we have the ideal conditions to be part of the solution in the current tense grid situation in the region," said Guido Knott, Managing Director of PreussenElektra. According to the operator, it is currently still waiting for the decommissioning and dismantling permit applied for in 2017 so that dismantling can begin.

According to the company's plans, construction of the first battery storage facility with an output of 100 megawatts and a capacity of 200 megawatt hours could begin as early as 2026. In a second expansion stage, the storage facility would then be expanded significantly from 2036.

"In principle, such battery storage systems are entirely in line with the energy transition and are welcomed by us," emphasized Energy Transition Secretary Joschka Knuth (Greens). The initiative for Brokdorf shows that Schleswig-Holstein has excellent conditions for the energy transition. Brokdorf is predestined for this and other energy transition projects as a location with a correspondingly existing grid infrastructure.

The Brokdorf nuclear power plant was decommissioned in January 2022 after 35 years. This marked the end of the nuclear power era in Schleswig-Holstein. The Krümmel and Brunsbüttel reactors had already been shut down years earlier following serious breakdowns.


Read also:

  1. The expansion of the battery storage facility at Brokdorf nuclear power plant site is seen as a significant contribution to the region's energy grid situation during the ongoing energy transition.
  2. PreussenElektra's plans for Brokdorf include constructing a first battery storage facility with an output of 100 megawatts by 2026, aligning with Germany's commitment to nuclear phase-out and energy storage development.
  3. The energy storage project at Brokdorf, while preceded by the plant's decommissioning, highlights Schleswig-Holstein's potential for fostering innovative energy solutions, such as battery storage, within the context of the climate crisis.
  4. The Brokdorf site's suitability for energy storage projects is recognized by environmental advocates like Energy Transition Secretary Joschka Knuth, who see it as a prime location for revolutionizing Germany's energy landscape and mitigating climate change.


