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Only seven applications for cannabis cultivation in Bavaria at the start

Since July 1, it has also been possible to apply for a permit to grow cannabis in Bavaria. However, anyone who thought that there would be a flood of applications was initially mistaken.

Just in time for the start of the approval process, seven cannabis cultivation associations in...
Just in time for the start of the approval process, seven cannabis cultivation associations in Bavaria have applied for a license.

Cannabis - Only seven applications for cannabis cultivation in Bavaria at the start

At the commencement of the approval process on July 1st in Bavaria, only seven applications from farming cooperatives have been submitted. According to State Chancellor Florian Herrmann, however, all applications were incomplete. "This means that no permits have been issued so far," said the CSU politician after a cabinet meeting in Munich. Responsible for the approvals is the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Agency (LGL).

"We can certainly promise that every application for approval of such a farming cooperative will be examined exactly and meticulously, and that we will pay very close attention to what is happening there," emphasized Herrmann. Special attention will be given to comprehensive youth and health protection in the approval process.

Stricter approach planned

Herrmann emphasized that in Bavaria, as previously announced, there will be a very restrictive approach to applications and in dealing with Cannabis: "We have already regulated through a regulation that no more than one farming cooperative per district or free city and 6,000 inhabitants is possible. And we have increased the funding for the LGL in the current budget with ten positions per year so that they can carry out these controls seriously."

Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU) also informed the German Press Agency on inquiry that Bavaria was well prepared for the implementation of regulations for Cannabis farming cooperatives. "We use all possibilities to limit the negative consequences of the reckless actions of the Federal Government. This applies, for example, to the frequency of controls."

The Federal Government, according to Gerlach and Herrmann, created facts with the Cannabis Law against all expert warnings. "That was irresponsible. Against this, Bavaria is consistently acting to ensure that people are protected from health risks through the consumption of Cannabis. We will also hold this course - that's why we will apply the law as restrictively as possible." According to Herrmann, this will also apply explicitly to road traffic. Bavaria clearly rejects the planned increase in the THC limit for Cannabis in the blood.

  1. Florian Herrmann mentioned during a cabinet meeting in Munich that due to incomplete applications, no permits for cannabis farming cooperatives have been issued as part of the approval procedure.
  2. The Bavarian Health and Food Safety Agency (LGL) is responsible for overseeing the approval process for these cooperatives, ensuring a meticulous examination of each application.
  3. Florian Herrmann, a CSU politician, stressed that a stricter approach will be taken in Bavaria, with special attention given to youth and health protection during the approval process.
  4. The CSU, led by Herrmann and Health Minister Judith Gerlach, has already implemented regulations that limit the number of cooperatives per district and have increased funding for the LGL to ensure serious controls.
  5. Gerlach stated that Bavaria is prepared to implement regulations for cannabis farming cooperatives, aiming to minimize negative consequences resulting from the federal government's approach.
  6. Contrary to the federal government's plans to increase the THC limit for cannabis in road traffic, Bavaria strongly opposes this and remains committed to enforcing the law as restrictively as possible to protect public health.

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