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Only one principal position in Hamburg not filled

There is a shortage of head teachers in many places in Germany. The situation is different in Hamburg: Almost all positions are filled. A series of measures are intended to support the managers.

A teacher in an elementary school writes words beginning with "Sp" on a
A teacher in an elementary school writes words beginning with "Sp" on a

Only one principal position in Hamburg not filled

In Hamburg, only one of 346 principal positions was vacant at the start of the school year. According to the education authority, the only vacancy at a special school is currently being filled. Of the 334 deputy principal positions, 324 posts have been filled, according to the information. "Unlike in other federal states, there is no staffing problem in Hamburg when it comes to filling head teacher positions," said school senator Ties Rabe (SPD). A further 34 schools are planned in Hamburg by 2030.

According to the education authority, a series of measures are intended to support head teachers in their diverse tasks. "As part of the school's autonomy, head teachers in Hamburg can reduce their teaching commitments as much as is appropriate for the management of the school," the authority added. So-called administrative directors can also be set up. "As of the start of the school year, there are already administrative managers at 76 general secondary schools in addition to the positions in the school secretariats, who specifically relieve the burden on school management."

During the school year, it's important for the education authority to gather personal details of the newly appointed principals and deputy principals to ensure proper records. However, due to the current situation, only the personal details of the individual filling the vacant principal position at the special school are being collected at the moment.




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