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Only a few new arrivals left in Brandenburg's initial reception center

Thousands of refugees are still arriving in Brandenburg in late summer, and places in the initial reception centers and in the municipalities are becoming very scarce. The situation has now eased. However, the head of the foreigners authority is only expecting a short breather over the winter.

Olaf Jansen sits in his office in the Central Reception Center for Asylum Seekers (ZABH).
Olaf Jansen sits in his office in the Central Reception Center for Asylum Seekers (ZABH).

Migration - Only a few new arrivals left in Brandenburg's initial reception center

Following the introduction of fixed controls at the Polish border and the onset of winter, the number of new arrivals at Brandenburg's initial reception center in Eisenhüttenstadt has dropped significantly. While there were still 80 to 100 refugees a day in September, only ten to twelve people are now arriving every day, said the head of the Central Immigration Office, Olaf Jansen, when asked. "In addition to the extended border controls until February, this is certainly also due to the weather," said Jansen.

Last Thursday, five people were brought to the reception center by the federal police, while two others reported themselves at the gate. Five refugees were transferred from other federal states that day. "With fewer new arrivals, we are again receiving more referrals from other federal states," explained Jansen. As of 14 December, 3431 of the total 4,758 places in the initial reception facilities were occupied, a capacity utilization of 72 percent.

In September, with 2,700 new arrivals that month, the initial reception centers were still completely full. At that time, tents were erected to accommodate refugees for the first night. Additional accommodation in containers was set up in Eisenhüttenstadt and Wünsdorf, with 300 places available in each by Christmas. A further 200 places are to be created in Frankfurt (Oder) by the end of the first quarter of 2024.

At the same time, however, a dormitory in Eisenhüttenstadt city center with 500 places will be closed in February and will no longer be occupied, Jansen reported. "This is a GDR standard from the 1960s and has not been renovated since then." This is why the expansion of the initial reception facilities is urgently needed despite the current easing of the situation, said Jansen. "Because the number of refugees is sure to rise again in the spring."

Read also:

  1. Despite the closure of a 500-capacity dormitory in Eisenhüttenstadt due to its outdated condition, the need for expanding the initial reception facilities in Brandenburg remains urgent, as refuges are expected to increase again during the spring.
  2. The implementation of strict border controls at the Polish border and the onset of winter have significantly reduced the number of daily refugees arriving at Eisenhüttenstadt's initial reception center in Brandenburg.
  3. With fewer new arrivals, migration facilities in Brandenburg have seen an increase in referrals from other federal states, including a transfer of five refugees from other regions to Eisenhüttenstadt's initial reception center last Thursday.




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