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One dead in plane crash after take-off in Schönhagen

A small plane crashes into a wooded area and burns out. One person dies. Experts now want to find the cause.

The crash of a small plane is being investigated
The crash of a small plane is being investigated

Aircraft accident - One dead in plane crash after take-off in Schönhagen

A small aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff from Schoenenhagen Airfield (Teltow-Flaming District) and caught fire. The police reported a dead body found in the afternoon at the crash site in a forest near Liebatz. He has not been identified yet, but it is assumed that it is the pilot, said a spokesperson for the police department. There were no other passengers reportedly in the aircraft.

A flying instructor, who was flying with a student in the vicinity, observed the crash and alerted the police. The Federal Bureau of Air Accident Investigation is on site to clarify the cause. The aircraft, according to the police, was likely to have made a stop at Schoenenhagen Airfield, located south of Berlin.

The incident at Schoenenhagen Airfield has been classified as an aircraft accident, adding to the growing list of aviation-related accidents this year. The small airplane that crashed was supposed to continue its journey to Brandenburg, but its fate took a tragic turn. Local air traffic was affected due to the subsequent investigation and clearance of the airfield. The police are collaborating with the Federal Bureau to gather evidence and establish the exact sequence of events leading to the plane crash.

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