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On the road by bus & train

How do I get from A to B?

You can travel by bus and train within a city or from place to place. You always need a ticket for
You can travel by bus and train within a city or from place to place. You always need a ticket for

On the road by bus & train

You don't necessarily need a car to be mobile in Germany. You can travel comfortably by bus and train both within a city and from place to place.

Important: Since May 2023, you can travel throughout Germany with the "Deutschland Ticket", also known as the "49 Euro Ticket". You can find more information in the section "Deutschland Ticket / 49-Euro-Ticket".

What do I need to know?

Buses & trains in the city

Buses, subway trains, suburban trains and streetcars (in some cities they are called "streetcars") are classed as "public transport". To use them, you have to buy a ticket.

There are ticket machines for this, which look different in every city. On many buses, drivers sell tickets, but only for cash. On many buses, you can only pay with coins or small bills (€5 or €10). If you use larger bills, the bus drivers may not be able to give you change. Tickets are also available at kiosks or in special stores, which you can recognize by the symbol or logo of the transport company in the respective city. In some cities, you can also buy tickets using a cell phone app.

There are different types of tickets. Some are valid for a few hours, either for a single journey or for return journeys. Other tickets are valid for a whole day ("day ticket"). There are also weekly and monthly tickets. In addition, there are often differences in how far you can travel with a ticket ("tariff zones"). If you have bought a ticket that is valid for a few hours or a day, in many cities you have to "validate" it, i.e. stamp it. There are special machines on the platforms for this purpose. Some of these machines are also located directly on the bus or streetcar. If a ticket from the machine already has a date and time stamp, this is usually not necessary.

Reduced-price tickets for public transport are available for children, schoolchildren, students, senior citizens and people who receive financial support from the social welfare office or job center. You can buy these discounted tickets from ticket machines or at the sales points. You can also ask there what proof you need to get a reduced-price ticket.

Mobility in the countryside

If you live in a small town or village, it is sometimes not so easy to be mobile without a car. Larger towns usually have a train station from which you can take the train to other towns and cities, as well as bus connections. Smaller villages usually only have a bus service. Or no public transport at all.

You can buy train tickets in advance online or directly at the station. There are ticket machines where you can enter your destination and then find out the price of the journey. As soon as you have paid - in cash or by EC card - your ticket will be printed. There are usually conductors on the train who check the tickets. On some trains it is also possible to buy a ticket on the train itself. However, make sure you find out in advance whether this is possible in your area. If the conductors find you on the train without a ticket, you will have to pay a fine. You can find out more about this in the section "What happens if I travel without a valid ticket?"

Tickets for the bus are usually purchased directly from the bus driver. To do this, simply tell the bus driver your destination and then give them the amount of money you have given them.

If there is neither a train station nor a bus service in your town, your options without a car are unfortunately very limited. If the nearest bus station or train station is not far away, you can get a bike and cycle there. You can find out more about cycling in our "Cycling" section.

If you have an urgent appointment, you can perhaps ask a neighbor or friend with a car to help you. In an emergency, you can also order a cab, but taking a cab is usually very expensive. You can find a cab company by googling the word "cab" and the name of your city.

Deutschland-Ticket / 49-Euro-Ticket

The "Deutschland-Ticket", also known as the "49-Euro-Ticket", is the successor to the "9-Euro-Ticket". Since May 2023, you can use the ticket on buses, streetcars, subway trains, suburban trains and regional trains throughout Germany. You may NOT use the ticket to travel on long-distance buses, IC/EC or ICE trains.

The ticket costs 49 euros per month and is only available as a subscription. It is not transferable, i.e. you may not lend it to anyone. In addition, you cannot take any other people with you on the ticket. Only children up to the age of 6 travel free of charge.

The Deutschland-Ticket is available digitally as a cell phone ticket or as a chip card. The subscription can be canceled monthly, i.e. you can cancel it at the end of a month.

You can take out a travelcard on the website of your regional transport company, on the DB website, in the DB Navigator app, at DB travel centers or via the Deutschland-Ticket app.

Important: If you already have a travelcard with your regional transport company, find out more. Some travelcards are automatically converted to the Deutschland-Ticket. For others, you have to take action.

A decision on a cheaper Deutschland -Ticket or additional tickets has so far only been made in some federal states or cities:

  • In Bavaria, students will get the Deutschland-Ticket for 29 euros from September 01, 2023.
  • In Dresden, and only in the Upper Elbe Transport Association, you can take one adult and up to four pupils (up to 15 years) with you for an extra 10 euros per month.
  • In Hesse, the discounted ticket costs 31 euros. It is valid for people in Hesse who receive citizen's benefit, social benefit, housing benefit or benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.
  • In Hamburg, school pupils can get the ticket for 19 euros. Trainees get a "bonus ticket" for 29 euros, the rest is paid for by their job. People on low incomes can buy the ticket in Hamburg for 19 euros.
  • In Hanover, people who receive state social benefits pay 30.40 euros for the Deutschlandticket (holders of the so-called "Region-S-Karte").
  • In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, trainees and volunteers can buy the Deutschlandticket for 29 euros. The same price applies to senior citizens aged 65 and over.
  • In NRW, the Deutschlandticket will only cost 29 euros for school pupils from the 2023/2024 school year. People who receive state social benefits will only pay 39 euros for the ticket from the fall.
  • In Saarland, school pupils, trainees and people doing voluntary service can get the Deutschlandticket for just 30.40 euros (the so-called "Junge-Leute-Ticket").
  • In Stuttgart, there is the TicketPlus: for an extra 9.90 euros a month, you can take other people with you or lend your ticket to someone else.

Other federal states or cities have not yet announced any specific decisions on discounts or additional tickets. (Status: August 2023)

Please note: The "Deutschland-Ticket" is in your name and is only valid with an official photo ID. This can be an identity card, a disabled person's ID card, a passport, a substitute ID (e.g. travel document for "foreigners") or a driving license valid in Germany.

For students: Ask the AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss) at your university whether you can upgrade to the Deutschland-Ticket. Some universities offer an upgrade.

What happens if I travel without a valid ticket?

There are ticket controls on all forms of public transport. Sometimes ticket inspectors wear uniforms, sometimes they are dressed like normal passengers. The ticket inspectors must identify themselves and check the tickets of all passengers. They usually announce the check with the words "Ticket check" or "Tickets please". If you do not have a valid ticket, you must show your ID and the ticket inspector will take your name and address. You will then receive an invoice from him for a fine. The fines vary from city to city and are between 40 and 80 euros. Do not try to run away if you are caught in a ticket inspection without a ticket. The ticket inspectors are quick, will try to catch up with you and call the police. If you receive a fine in the post, the subject of the letter will say something like "transport fraud" or "fraudulent procurement of services". Colloquially, it is called "fare evasion" if you are traveling without a valid ticket.

Each transport company also has its own "transport rules" for public transport; e.g. where baby carriages or bicycles can be parked, whether people should only board the bus at the front or whether drinks and food are allowed - not all passengers take this very seriously, but it is still good to know what is allowed and what is not.


If you are caught "fare dodging" several times or do not pay the fine, you may also be charged with a criminal offense. A court can then sentence you to a higher fine or even a prison sentence. This may also affect your right of residence in Germany.

In some smaller villages, public transportation might be limited, making it challenging to be mobile without a car. However, with larger towns often having train stations and bus connections, traveling without a car is still possible. Starting May 2023, the "Deutschland Ticket" or "49 Euro Ticket" provides a convenient way to travel throughout Germany by using buses, streetcars, subway trains, suburban trains, and regional trains, except for long-distance buses, IC/EC, or ICE trains.




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