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Olympic flame makes a stop in the border triangle

It will be a big celebration for the French, Germans and Luxembourgers. The Olympic flame is coming to the border triangle. Many citizens want to see it.

The Olympic cauldron stands in the port of Marseille.
The Olympic cauldron stands in the port of Marseille.

Olympic Games - Olympic flame makes a stop in the border triangle

On the way to the Olympic Games in Paris, the Olympic Fire passes through the tri-border point of France, Germany, and Luxembourg on this Thursday. The torch relay starts around 1:00 PM in the French town of Apach, crosses the German border towards Perl (Saarland), and then leads over the Mosel Bridge into Luxembourgish Schengen.

A ceremony is planned at the European Square where Luxembourg's Grand Duke Henri, Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Xavier Bettel, as well as the Minister-Presidents of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, Malu Dreyer and Anke Rehlinger, will participate. Various events and activities will take place around the torch relay in the region, including citizens' festivals in Apach and Perl.

After the ceremony, the Olympic Flame will leave Luxembourg. Its path then leads it to the Robert-Schuman-House in Scy-Chazelles and finally to Metz as the last stop of the day. The Olympic Games in Paris take place from July 26 to August 11.

The Fire was kindled in the ancient city of Olympia in mid-April. After that, it continued its journey with a torch relay through Greece. The Flame was then transported by ship across the Mediterranean Sea to Marseille. Since its arrival on May 8, the Flame has made stops in many French cities.

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  1. The Government of France and Germany have agreed to provide security for the Olympic Torch relay, ensuring its safe passage through their territories.
  2. The Olympic Fire, originating from Olympia in Greece, will eventually reach France as part of its journey to the Paris Olympic Games.
  3. The torch relay in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, both in Germany, is expected to attract large crowds, eager to witness the Olympic Torch.
  4. Following the Luxembourg ceremony, the torch relay will travel to the Robert-Schuman-House, a significant site in the history of European integration.
  5. In preparation for the Paris Olympic Games, France has implemented strict border control measures along the Schengen Area, ensuring the security of the Olympic Torch relay.
  6. The Olympic Torch relay will make its way through Paris, culminating in its arrival at the Olympic Stadium for the commencement of the Olympic Games.

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