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Old grinding wheel must last until the end of 2025

Because the new sanding barrage in Missunde is still not working properly, the country continues to rely on the old one. But something else is also in the pipeline.

The old grinding ferry "Missunde II" is not expected to be replaced until winter 2025/2026.
The old grinding ferry "Missunde II" is not expected to be replaced until winter 2025/2026.

Ferry traffic - Old grinding wheel must last until the end of 2025

The old ferry "Missunde II" is expected to continue operating between Brodersby in Angeln and Kosel in Schwansen over the Schlei until the end of 2025. Planned improvements to the new solar ferry "Missunde III" could last until summer 2025, subject to necessary permits, said Birgit Matelski, Director of the Schleswig-Holstein Coastal Protection, National Park and Sea Protection Agency (LKN.SH,) on Monday. The swap of the ferries is planned to take place at the turn of the year 2025/2026 to coincide with the tourism season in the Schlei. This would involve a prolonged service interruption.

Plans include the installation of two transverse propellers on the "Missunde III." Additionally, extra piles will be built on both shores, as well as one floating pontoon as a rudder. The mooring piles of the landing ramps will also be adjusted.

The start of the new solar ferry "Missunde III" failed in January due to technical issues with the moorings. During initial test runs, it was discovered that the 3.3 million Euro vessel could not safely dock at the moorings in higher wind speeds. As a replacement, the old ferry was put back into service. The state has engaged a specialized law firm to examine potential claims arising from the ferry's construction.

Problems with the old ferry

"The 'Missunde II' was already in a technically poor condition five years ago – when plans for a replacement were pushed back – that it posed the risk of prolonged downtime and still does," said Transport State Secretary Tobias von der Heide (CDU). For safety reasons, the total load capacity was reduced from 22.5 to 7.5 tons. However, the validity of the vessel's certification was extended until 2028. "Unfortunately, this does not guarantee that the 'Missunde II' will last given its poor technical condition," said von der Heide. It provides the necessary temporal buffer for the land to find and implement solutions for the stable operation of the successor vessel. "And it also gives the people on site planning security – that's a good message."

The new ferry has twice the load capacity and can transport a load of 45 tons and up to 45 passengers simultaneously. Buses can also be transported on the solar ferry. Approximately 120,000 cars and 50,000 people per year use the connection.

The shipping traffic in the Schlei might be affected during the swap of the ferries, as the service interruption is expected to be prolonged. The installation of new propellers and adjustments to the mooring piles on the "Missunde III" are part of the planned improvements in the pipeline for the new solar ferry, which encounter delays due to technical issues and necessary permits.

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