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Officials irked by spectators in flooded regions

Severe flooding often draws in curiousonlookers. However, these disaster sightseers can obstruct emergency workers. Officials continually urge caution.

Water rescue workers check the temporary protective walls on the Danube in the old town.
Water rescue workers check the temporary protective walls on the Danube in the old town.

Tourists drawn to disasters or accidents. - Officials irked by spectators in flooded regions

In the flood-stricken regions of Bavaria, helpers still face the issue of "disaster tourism." The Straubing-Bogen district office shared their frustration on Friday, stating that there have been reports of onlookers present at fire department deployment sites. As a result, they urged people to stay away from these areas to allow the rescue forces to do their job without distraction.

Over the past few days, numerous officials from various cities and districts have expressed their concerns over individuals visiting the flood-hit areas, intending to watch the devastation. Passau's mayor, Jürgen Dupper (SPD), attempted to discourage such behavior through a humorous tweet, stating, "One must always be cautious when walking through the flooded streets - you never know which manhole cover could have been swept away, and you wouldn't want to accidentally fall into the city's sewer system."

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The weather in Bavaria has been unfavorable, leading to severe flooding in various regions. Climate change seems to be exacerbating these weather patterns, making flood zones a growing concern. Despite the dangers, some tourists are drawn to these disaster-stricken areas, causing frustration among local officials and first responders in Straubing-Bogen. Recently, the city of Straubing experienced a heavy storm, further adding to the destruction.



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