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Offenburg mourns the death of Wolfgang Schäuble

The Offenburg region mourns the loss of Wolfgang Schäuble. In his home region, the CDU politician was much more than a world-class statesman.

The then head of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Wolfgang Schäuble.
The then head of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Wolfgang Schäuble.

Parties - Offenburg mourns the death of Wolfgang Schäuble

The city and region of Offenburg have reacted to the death of CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble with mourning flags and great sadness. The honorary citizen of the city represented Offenburg's values and aspirations as a city of freedom like no other. "As a politician and statesman, he wrote world history, German history and, above all, the history of democracy and parliament," said Lord Mayor Marco Steffens (CDU) on Wednesday. Despite his position as a world-class statesman, Schäuble was deeply rooted in his home country and was always approachable.

For the head of the town hall, Schäuble was a role model in many respects: "His dedication, his attitude, his sense of duty, his commitment to Europe, to Germany, to the region and to the city of Offenburg will remain unforgotten." The city has flown its flags at half-mast and a mourning flag has been placed on the town hall balcony.

The District Administrator of the Ortenau district, Frank Scherer, spoke of a great loss for the country's political landscape. Schäuble was a convinced European and a native Ortenauer. "I got to know and appreciate him as a straightforward and opinionated person who acted with foresight, integrity and conviction. His death leaves a huge gap."

Former Bundestag President Schäuble died at home with his family on Tuesday evening. In his long political career, he was a minister, CDU leader, parliamentary group chairman and President of the German Bundestag. No one was a member of parliament longer than him. Decades of German politics are associated with him, including his role in negotiating the Unification Treaty after the fall of the Berlin Wall in the GDR.

Since the assassination attempt by a mentally disturbed man in October 1990, Schäuble has been confined to a wheelchair. In his party, he was one of the more conservative politicians, but behind the scenes his word always carried weight.

Schäuble came from a family of politicians: his father Karl was already a CDU politician and a member of the Baden state parliament. Schäuble's younger brother Thomas, who died in 2013, was a state minister in Baden-Württemberg for 13 years. The top CDU politician Thomas Strobl is Wolfgang Schäuble's son-in-law and his daughter Christine, the ARD program director, is Strobl's wife. Schäuble is survived by four children and his wife Ingeborg, to whom he had been married since 1969.

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