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Ofarim defense lawyer: It's about the experience of discrimination

Gil Ofarim (l) talks to his lawyer Alexander Stevens in the courtroom of the district
Gil Ofarim (l) talks to his lawyer Alexander Stevens in the courtroom of the district

Ofarim defense lawyer: It's about the experience of discrimination

Following the opening of the trial against the Jewish singer Gil Ofarim, his defense lawyer has commented on the accusations before the Leipzig District Court. The case is a "classic case of statement against statement", said lawyer Alexander Stevens on Tuesday after the indictment was read out. If a discriminatory word was uttered during the incident a good two years ago, his client should be acquitted, the lawyer emphasized.

The public prosecutor's office accuses 41-year-old Ofarim of false accusation and defamation, among other things. According to the indictment, the Munich native had described in a video that went viral in October 2021 that an employee of a Leipzig hotel had asked him to remove his Star of David chain so that he could check in. The musician had previously complained about preferential treatment for guests who had been standing behind him in the queue.

It is possible that the case was a misunderstanding or bad humor - or even an "anti-Semitic allusion", said the lawyer. It is important for society that the court investigates the truth.

The lawyer also emphasized that it was "not about the star, but about the experience of discrimination". Bullying and discrimination are difficult to prove - especially for victims. Public opinion in the case was determined by several lies. For example, it is false that the hotel conducted an open and fair investigation after the incident. The defense also considers it "completely implausible" that the incident took place as described by the hotel employee.

The court has scheduled ten trial days in the proceedings until December 7. After reading out the indictment, the presiding judge stated that it was a "generally known fact" that overt and covert anti-Semitism could be found in all social classes and movements in Germany.

The public dispute surrounding Gil Ofarim's case has led many people to question the truth behind the allegations. Despite the accusations of false accusation and defamation, Ofarim's lawyer argues that his client should be acquitted if any discriminatory words were used, as music and art should not be affected by such processes.

Furthermore, the defense lawyer stresses that the incident is not solely about a Star of David chain, but rather about the overall experience of discrimination experienced by the singer. Addressing issues of bullying and discrimination, especially in contested situations, is essential for fostering an inclusive society and upholding justice through fair processes.


