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Ochsenhausen's flood situation eases up.

Following the floods, the scenario in Ochsenhausen, located in the Biberach district of Baden-Württemberg, is gradually stabilizing, as conveyed by Mayor Christian Bürkle on Sunday morning. The River Rottum's level has marginally decreased, although the dam in Reinstetten continues to overflow...

A tree is reflected in a puddle of rain.
A tree is reflected in a puddle of rain.

Heavy weather hurricane expected soon - Ochsenhausen's flood situation eases up.

The military is still active, but some members can leave within 48 hours of being deployed. On Sunday, water might be removed from a submerged parking garage below ground. The city has reported water-filled cellars and the evacuation of 15 people from a nursing home. Thankfully, there were no injuries and no additional evacuations were necessary. Fortunately, a nursing facility was able to be protected beforehand.

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