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Occasional downpours anticipated in Bavaria.

Heavy rainstorms and thunderstorms could strike southern Bavaria again later this week, predicts the German Weather Service (DWD). These weather events might bring up to 20 liters of rain per square meter in a brief period, accompanied by gusts of wind up to 90 km/hr. Additionally, the DWD...

Storm clouds move across a field.
Storm clouds move across a field.

The DWD has predicted: - Occasional downpours anticipated in Bavaria.

A weather expert from Germany's DWD said on Thursday that the upcoming rainfall won't be as intense as the one during the previous week. However, with rivers already overflowing and soil being saturated, possible risks remain, like those threatening people's lives and well-being.

The flood situation between Kelheim and Passau has been tense lately, particularly in Regensburg. The regions in Swabia and Upper Bavaria that experienced flooding are still dealing with its aftermath. The Interior Ministry reports three individuals as missing.

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The DWD's prediction of occasional rain in Bavaria raises concerns, as Munich and other areas might experience heavy downpours, possibly leading to a thunderstorm or even a small storm. Despite the weather expert's assurance that the rain won't be as intense as last week, the risk of flooding remains significant in areas like Bavaria, where rivers are already overflowing and soil is saturated. The reminder of the devastating flooding in regions such as Swabia and Upper Bavaria serves as a stark warning of the potential impact of the impending rainfall.



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