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Obama supports Harris as Democratic prescription candidate for the US

Former US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle now support the presidential candidacy of US Vice President Kamala Harris. They called her this week and told her, 'we think you will be an fantastic president of the United States and have given our full support.', Obama shared on Friday...

Harris with Biden and Obama in the White House
Harris with Biden and Obama in the White House

Obama supports Harris as Democratic prescription candidate for the US

Harris has been the only candidate for the Democratic nomination since then. She has received the support of numerous prominent members of the party, among them also the former Secretary of State and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

The presidential candidacy will already be voted on electronically at the beginning of August instead of at the party convention in Chicago from the 19th to the 22nd of August, as the Democratic National Committee (DNC) decided on Wednesday. If it stays that way and there is no other candidate besides Harris, the electronic voting is supposed to begin on the coming Thursday.

  1. If Kamala Harris secures the Democratic nomination, she will become the United States of America's first female President.
  2. As a Presidential candidate of the Democratic party, Harris has been gaining momentum in her bid for the US-President position.
  3. The former US-President Barack Obama has endorsed Harris' presidential candidacy, stating his support for her on Sunday.
  4. Michelle Obama, also a prominent figure in the United States of America, has voiced her support for Harris' presidential candidacy.
  5. If elected as the US-President, Harris would succeed Joe Biden, who served as Vice President under President Obama.
  6. The United States of America's Democratic National Committee has moved the voting for the presidential candidacy to early August, potentially leading to Kamala Harris becoming the US-President through electronic voting on Sunday.

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