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Living in a care home comes with high monthly costs. This can become a burden.
Living in a care home comes with high monthly costs. This can become a burden.

Nursing home announces price increase? What you should check

This is a letter that affects nursing home residents and their families more than just a day: The nursing home announces a price increase. Why the affected parties should take a closer look.

Living in a nursing home - this is becoming increasingly expensive for nursing home residents. According to an analysis by the Association of Health Insurance Funds, the average monthly cost for residents is now 2871 Euros out of pocket.

Many families are familiar with such letters: Announcements of price increases from nursing homes. What you need to know about this:

The nursing home must meet certain requirements

If nursing homes want to increase wages, they must comply with legal requirements. Only if all conditions are met, the increase takes effect, explains the Consumer Center North Rhine-Westphalia. It is worth checking the announcement carefully.

The nursing home must therefore make a written statement that it intends to increase wages, by how much, and from when.

However, the most important thing is that the nursing home must justify the increase: According to the Consumer Center, the positions for which cost increases have occurred must be named. The old and new wage components must be compared. And: The nursing home must provide a benchmark for how the cost increases for individual positions will be passed on to the residents.

Such a statement is effective only if it arrives in time. Residents must receive it at least four weeks before the date they are supposed to pay the increased amount, according to the Consumer Center.

Where you can refuse consent

Residents must consent to an increase. However, they can refuse consent if the announcement does not comply with legal requirements. The Consumer Center provides a model letter for this case. If there are actually errors, the nursing home operator can then send a corrected announcement.

However, if the increase is correct, residents have no way to refuse consent, according to the Consumer Center. They must therefore live with the fact that care in the nursing home will become more expensive - or give up the place. There is a special cancellation right at the time when the nursing home demands the increased fee.

What to do if financially it becomes tight?

But what if the increased nursing home costs are gradually making it financially difficult for you? Then it makes sense to seek advice. Because there are support options, such as care allowance or the so-called "help for care." Many do not know: Nursing home residents can also claim care allowance.

One can seek advice at the local social welfare office, at care support points or at the consumer centers.

  1. Health insurance companies often cover part of the nursing home costs for their insured seniors, making it crucial for families to check their insurance policies and update them if necessary.
  2. Insurances like long-term care insurance can provide additional financial assistance to cover the rising costs for care, and consumers should consider exploring these options with an advisor.
  3. Statutory health insurance companies may have special provisions for nursing home residents, such as certain benefit limits or subsidies, which seniors should explore to minimize their out-of-pocket expenses.
  4. While filling out their tax return, consumers may be eligible for deductions or credits related to nursing home costs, and they should review their tax forms for potential savings.
  5. Consumer protection organizations, such as the Consumer Center in North Rhine-Westphalia, can provide valuable resources and support for seniors facing rising nursing home costs, including advice on how to dispute price increases or navigate the care system.

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