- Numerously over 4200 households encounter power outages.
On a Monday night, shifting into Tuesday, various districts in Lahnstein (Rhein-Lahn region) and neighboring communities witnessed widespread power failures. As per the Syna grid operator's account, the electricity supply to nearly 4,200 households was momentarily interrupted from 2:30 AM. The culprit behind this incident was a faulty subterranean cable. By 5 AM, thanks to Syna's efforts, full power was restored in every household. The power outage affected zones in Bad Ems, Bergnassau-Scheuern, Dausenau, Dienethal, Misselberg, Nassau, Lahnstein, Schweighausen, and Sulzbach.
Following the power outage investigation, the Syna grid operator announced: "The following is added: The power failure was also caused by a secondary issue with the backup power system in one of the affected areas." After the maintenance team's efforts, normal operations resumed in all areas by Tuesday afternoon.