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Numerous water levels decrease in the southwestern region.

Following recent flooding events, water levels across southwestern waterways are declining. Notably, major rivers like the Danube and Rhine are still seeing some areas with rising water levels, as the flood forecasting center warned on Monday evening. Fortunately, dangerous water levels are not...

Flood damage can be seen on a bridge.
Flood damage can be seen on a bridge.

Situation regarding flooding - Numerous water levels decrease in the southwestern region.

Downstream along the Danube from the Hundersingen gauge in Sigmaringen, as well as on the Bodensee, Upper and Upper Rhine, the water levels are still on the rise. At the Maxau gauge near Karlsruhe, the peak level of 8.29 meters reached on Sunday is not expected to be surpassed again.

The Neckar trend is changing, as it's now decreasing. "Water levels have stopped rising in Mannheim and Heidelberg, but they will drop there soon as well." The Neckar gauge in Heidelberg currently sits at a height that is considered a rare occurrence, with a frequency of once every ten years.

Flood Situation Report.

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