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Numerous people protest at a Fridays for Future gathering in Berlin.

Environmental advocates are urging for widespread demonstrations prior to the European elections. Thousands of participants convened in Berlin.

A woman demonstrates in a green T-shirt with the inscription "Friday for Future".
A woman demonstrates in a green T-shirt with the inscription "Friday for Future".

Prior to the voting for European representatives - Numerous people protest at a Fridays for Future gathering in Berlin.

On Friday, thousands of individuals joined the Fridays For Future movement's climate strike rally in Berlin. The police performed an initial appraisal and reported that there were over 5,000 participants. In contrast, organizers claimed that around 13,000 people took part in the protest for climate protection, democracy, and against the far-right. The event commenced in the afternoon near the Brandenburg Gate. A few protesters, fewer than ten in number, also waved Palestinian flags.

Fridays For Future stated that similar protests are scheduled in about 100 German cities, with larger demonstrations and rallies set to occur in Hamburg and Munich.

Nine days before the European election on June 9, environmental activists wish to emphasize the significance of the EU in tackling the climate crisis. They demand a EU-wide phase-out of coal, oil, and gas by 2035, as well as a doubling of investments in renewable energy sources and climate-neutral industries. Frieda Egeling, Fridays For Future Berlin's spokesperson, remarked in a statement, "The new EU parliament must clearly choose in favor of climate protection and democracy."

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