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Numerous operations after severe weather in Cottbus - tornado?

Fallen trees, damaged cars and houses: after a storm, some houses in Cottbus are currently uninhabitable. The DWD is investigating indications of a tornado.

Yesterday, the fire department in Cottbus was called out to numerous weather-related operations. A...
Yesterday, the fire department in Cottbus was called out to numerous weather-related operations. A suspected tornado uprooted trees, and houses and cars were also damaged.

Storm - Numerous operations after severe weather in Cottbus - tornado?

Due to a storm, the fire department in Cottbus was called out several times on Monday. A total of 24 weather-related incidents were reported in the afternoon and evening, as the city and control room announced. Seventeen of these occurred in the area of Skadower Weg corner Cottbuser Straße in the district of Sielow. According to the city of Cottbus, the storm caused damages of approximately 300 meters to houses, trees, and cars. Some roofs of houses were partially covered and damaged. Several of the affected houses are currently not habitable, according to the control room. An older camping trailer was reportedly lifted by the wind and landed in a fence.

The city of Cottbus spoke of a tornado. The German Weather Service (DWD) has not confirmed this yet, but will check the reports.

Uprooted trees and damaged cars

The fire department removed a total of seven uprooted or entangled trees from the Lakomaer Straße. In the Thiemstraße in the Spremberger Vorstadt, a falling tree damaged three cars. No one was injured in the falls. A total of 26 firefighters were on site. The extent of the damages is not yet known. Previously, the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) reported.

The storm in Cottbus resulted in numerous fallen trees, including seven that needed to be removed by the fire department on Lakomaer Straße. A tornado, as described by the city, led to a car being damaged by a falling tree in the Thiemstraße. Fortunately, no injuries were reported during the weather-related incidents. The storm's impact was also felt in neighboring Brandenburg, causing similar damages to houses and vehicles.

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