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Numerous apprenticeships still available in the southwest

The next training year starts in the fall - and there are still tens of thousands of places available. The Federal Employment Agency has issued an appeal to companies.

There are still many apprenticeship vacancies in the southwest.
There are still many apprenticeship vacancies in the southwest.

Training market - Numerous apprenticeships still available in the southwest

Few weeks before the start of the new training year, around 50% of the reported training places in Baden-Württemberg are still vacant. Approximately 35,300 of the roughly 72,000 registered positions are available, according to Wirtschaftsministerin Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU) on Monday in Stuttgart. "The training market is still in motion," emphasized the Minister. "There's a chance in every training place to start a career." Currently, there are around 66 applicants for every 100 business training positions.

Even with "not so good grades"

Martina Musati, Chairwoman of the Management Board of the Regional Directorate Baden-Württemberg of the Federal Employment Agency, called on training companies to "give a chance to young people with not so good grades."

"Young women and men should be supported according to their individual abilities and interests, regardless of the type of school," added Thorsten Pilgrim, Vice President of the IHK Region Stuttgart. "It should not just be a lip service that vocational and academic education are considered equally valuable."

Prize for good training

The Economic Ministry plans to issue a Landesausbilderpreis (State Training Prize) together with the Handwerk BW, the Baden-Württemberg Industrial and Commercial Chamber Day, and the Association of Free Professions in the coming year. Accordingly, up to twelve training women, training men, or training teams are to be awarded to highlight good training.

  1. Despite having "not so good grades," Martina Musati, from the Federal Employment Agency's Regional Directorate in Baden-Württemberg, encourages training companies to provide opportunities for young people.
  2. The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH) are advocating for a stronger focus on apprenticeships in the Southwest region, aiming to fill the remaining 50% of vacant training places before the start of the new training year.
  3. The Federal Employment Agency in Baden-Württemberg is working closely with local educational institutions to promote the value of vocational education and increase the number of students entering apprenticeship programs.
  4. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, the State Minister for Economics and Labor in Baden-Württemberg and the leader of the CDU party in the region, is pushing for a more inclusive labor market that provides equal opportunities for both vocational and academic education.
  5. The city of Stuttgart, with its strong industry and education sector, is a popular destination for young people seeking apprenticeships in fields such as engineering, IT, and healthcare.
  6. The new training year in Baden-Württemberg is expected to see a boost in apprenticeships, especially in sectors where there is a high demand for skilled workers, such as the automotive industry in the federal state.

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