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Number of TBE and Lyme disease cases recently increased

Ticks can transmit the infectious diseases TBE and Lyme disease. Caution is advised in Saxony, especially now.

A member of the Parasitology Department at the University of Hohenheim shows a common wood tick...
A member of the Parasitology Department at the University of Hohenheim shows a common wood tick (Ixodes ricinus) in a laboratory.

Health - Number of TBE and Lyme disease cases recently increased

Spring and Summer are tick seasons: In the past few weeks, the number of reported FSME and Borreliosis cases in Saxony has significantly increased. By mid-June, the Landesuntersuchungsanstalt (LUA) had reported 9 cases of FSME and 395 cases of Borreliosis. According to epidemiological weekly reports from the LUA, these pathogens can be transmitted by ticks.

At the beginning of May, the numbers were still much lower: As of May 3rd, the LUA had reported one case of Early Summer Meningoencephalitis (FSME) and 173 cases of Borreliosis. The pathogens can be transmitted by ticks.

Borreliosis can lead to joint, heart muscle, and nervous system inflammation if left untreated. FSME begins with flu-like symptoms, and later, nervous system symptoms are possible. There are vaccinations available for FSME, while Borreliosis is treated with antibiotics.

Almost all Saxon regions are now considered risk areas. Exceptions are still the city of Leipzig and the districts of Leipzig and Nordsachsen.

Experts are observing an increase in infections in Saxony. In 2014, 15 cases of FSME were reported, compared to 34 in the previous year. The numbers are always higher than at the same time in 2023. In the previous year, the LUA had reported 5 cases of FSME and 325 cases of Borreliosis by mid-June.

The Permanent Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends an FSME vaccination for people in risk areas who may come into contact with ticks. The vaccination rate in Saxony in 2022 was 18.8%.

Epidemiological Weekly Reports

In Dresden, the rise in tick-borne diseases during tick season is concerning. As the tick season continues, the risk of contracting Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme disease increases in Saxony. Health authorities urge residents to take precautions, especially in areas with a high tick density.

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