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Number of company celebrations stable to slightly declining

Many companies are organizing Christmas parties with their employees this year. Overall, however, Christmas business in Saxony-Anhalt is sluggish.

A portion of goose leg with red cabbage and dumplings on a table in a restaurant.
A portion of goose leg with red cabbage and dumplings on a table in a restaurant.

Christmas - Number of company celebrations stable to slightly declining

Numerous companies are once again inviting their employees to a Christmas party this year. The number of company parties in Saxony-Anhalt is stable to slightly declining, said Michael Schmidt, President of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) in Saxony-Anhalt.

While companies are not necessarily foregoing their celebrations, Schmidt perceives Christmas business as sluggish overall. "When in doubt, people are more likely to opt for a gift for their child than to go out to eat," he explained. In recent years, it has become clear that December is no longer necessarily the top month for restaurants. People have other priorities. According to Schmidt, this is particularly noticeable in rural areas in Saxony-Anhalt.

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The hospitality industry in Saxony-Anhalt is experiencing a stable to slight decline in company Christmas parties, coinciding with Michael Schmidt's observations. Despite this, many companies still choose to host a Christmas party for their employees, indicating a resilience in the industry. Michael Schmidt, President of Dehoga in Saxony-Anhalt, also noted that solid business opportunities can still be found in the hospitality sector during the holiday season, despite the shift in priorities among consumers.


