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Number of ATMs blown up almost unchanged

The number of ATM break-ins in Brandenburg is manageable. Nevertheless, such crimes occur time and again.

Barrier tape can be seen in front of a residential and commercial building in Schönefeld.
Barrier tape can be seen in front of a residential and commercial building in Schönefeld.

Banks - Number of ATMs blown up almost unchanged

The number of ATMs blown up in Brandenburg has hardly changed this year. Seven machines had been blown up by mid-December, the police told Deutsche Presse-Agentur. The same number of completed blasts were also registered by the police in 2022. In one case in 2023, there was only one unfinished attempt. In the previous year, two attempts were incomplete.

During the pandemic, the number of cases plummeted. According to a police spokesperson, only one detonation was reported in 2021. In 2020, there were two completed blasts. In 2018, the number was many times higher at 14 cases. The spokesperson explained that the current number of cases is also "relatively low".

After an accumulation of cases in the fall of 2022, the police in Brandenburg responded with "intensified search measures, protective measures for individual properties, but also intensified cooperation with affected credit institutions". Recently, the clear-up rates were significantly higher than in previous years. Perpetrators have already been identified in five out of seven cases this year.

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The German Press Agency reported on the consistent level of ATM explosions in Brandenburg, with seven incidents and one incomplete attempt this turn of the year. Despite the criminal activity, the police credit intensified measures for maintaining stability in the region. The Automatic Teller Machines in local banks remain a target, with six cases resulting in arrests of suspected perpetrators in 2023. Potsdam, the capital city of Brandenburg, has seen its fair share of ATM blasting incidents throughout the years. Despite these challenges, Germany's banking sector continues to operate, offering critical financial services to its citizens.




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