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Number of ATM break-ins has fallen significantly

Dozens of criminals are attacking ATMs in Lower Saxony this year. But there are significantly fewer attacks than in the record year of 2022. Is this due to the banks' increased security measures?

Police officers secure the crime scene at Torfhaus.
Police officers secure the crime scene at Torfhaus.

Crime - Number of ATM break-ins has fallen significantly

The number of ATM blasts in Lower Saxony has fallen significantly in 2023 compared to previous years. By December 6, there had been 36 attacks on ATMs, as the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) of Lower Saxony reported in response to a dpa inquiry. In comparison, there were a total of 68 attacks in 2022. This was the highest level in the past five years. The decline could have to do with the banks' increased protection and security measures. According to the LKA, financial institutions have stepped up their efforts in this regard.

The State Office of Cr iminal Investigation distinguishes between attempted blasts, in which no money is stolen, and completed blasts. In 6 of the 36 blasts in 2023, the perpetrators reportedly did not make any loot. While there were 45 attacks on ATMs in both 2019 and 2020, the number rose to 55 in 2021.

However, the authorities were unable to provide any information on the amount of damage. According to the LKA, the sums stolen are only requested from the banks if an indictment and court proceedings are brought. If the criminals steal a lot of money, they often have to expect a higher penalty.

Last year, a new central office was set up at the Osnabrück public prosecutor's office in the fight against vending machine burglars in Lower Saxony. The officers collect information on the explosions and perpetrators and try to shed light on the structures behind them. According to the Osnabrück public prosecutor's office, there have been seven court cases against ATM blasters across the country this year. Fifteen defendants have been sentenced to prison.

According to the LKA, the police have also had a "holistic approach" since 2022 to stop ATM burglars. Accordingly, several arrests were made in Lower Saxony and neighboring countries in 2023.

Despite the downward trend, the LKA is not giving the all-clear. "Basically, it remains to be seen how sustained this trend is and whether the criminal groups will concentrate on other areas in the long term," said a spokeswoman. In other parts of Germany, the number of blasts has not fallen to the same extent as in Lower Saxony.

According to the Bremen police, there had only been one attempted ATM blast in the state of Bremen this year up to the beginning of December. Between 2017 and 2022, a total of 18 crimes were recorded in Bremen and Bremerhaven. 2022 saw the highest number of offences, namely 5. Bremen police had no information on the amount of the loot.

Information on the central office in Osnabrück

Read also:

  1. The decline in ATM blasts in Lower Saxony may have been influenced by the enhanced security measures implemented by banks in Hanover and other parts of the region.
  2. The Osnabrück public prosecutor's office, established to combat ATM burglars in Lower Saxony, has initiated seven court cases against perpetrators across Germany, leading to fifteen convictions so far this year.
  3. The Lower Saxony public prosecutor's office reported a significant decrease in ATM break-ins in 2023, with only 36 incidents compared to 68 in 2022, which was the highest number in the past five years.
  4. Despite the decrease in ATM burglaries, the Osnabrück public prosecutor's office cautions that it is uncertain whether the trend will continue and that criminals might shift their focus to other areas.
  5. In Bremen, the police reported only one attempted ATM blast throughout the first half of 2023, marking a notable decrease in criminality compared to the past several years.


