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NRW split in two by weather during Germany match

NRW is divided into two halves weather-wise for the Germany match on Friday evening from 6pm.

The weather outlook for Friday is mixed at best - but the extreme south could be spared rain...
The weather outlook for Friday is mixed at best - but the extreme south could be spared rain (archive image).

Weather - NRW split in two by weather during Germany match

In the weather forecast for the Germany match on Friday evening, North Rhine-Westphalia is split. The northern part must reckon with light rain starting from late morning and lasting until evening, said a spokesperson of the German Weather Service in Essen. The southern part of the federal state, however, will be mostly spared. "It is rather changing cloudy and mostly rain-free there."

The Ruhr area lies approximately on the border, so no exact forecast can be given for that. "In general, it is so: Northern part rainy evening and southern part rather rain-free." The highest temperatures are therefore expected to be around 15 to 18 degrees in the north and 22 degrees in the Cologne-Bonn agglomeration. The Saturday will then be very changeable and windy. In addition, there will be some powerful thunderstorms.

The DWD predicts rain in the northern part of North Rhine-Westphalia throughout the day of the Germany game, affecting the weather for the Ruhr area. Conversely, the southern section of NRW is expected to remain mostly rain-free, as per the weather outlook provided by the German Weather Service in Essen. Despite the varying weather conditions, both regions of North Rhine-Westphalia are set to experience relatively high temperatures during the game.

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