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NRW police carry out large-scale New Year's Eve operation

Concerns about riots and civil unrest have become as much a part of New Year's Eve as raclette and "Dinner for One". Thousands of police officers are therefore deployed in North Rhine-Westphalia to provide security. Cologne Cathedral is a particular focus this year.

A police car in front of the cathedral.
A police car in front of the cathedral.

Concern about riots - NRW police carry out large-scale New Year's Eve operation

Following the terror alert for Cologne Cathedral and experiences from last year, the police in North Rhine-Westphalia are preparing for a major operation on New Year's Eve. According to the Ministry of the Interior, the number of officers has been increased once again compared to last year. A total of more than 6600 police officers have been planned, explained Minister Herbert Reul (CDU).

On New Year's Eve 2022/23, firecrackers and rockets were fired at police officers and emergency services in several NRW cities. At the time, Reul spoke of a "new dimension of aggression".

The security measures around Cologne Cathedral are particularly strict. The reason for this is that security authorities had received information about a possible attack plan by an Islamist group. According to the Cologne police, they related to New Year's Eve. A 30-year-old man was taken into custody "to avert danger". The Tajik is suspected of having spied on the cathedral.

The security measures for the world-famous cathedral had already been increased considerably for the Christmas celebrations. The cathedral was closed to tourists as a precautionary measure, but church services will take place. On New Year's Eve (6.30 pm), Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki wants to celebrate a mass with the faithful to mark the end of the year in the midst of this tense situation.

Preparations will be made to counter "possible attacks", explained the Cologne police chief of operations, Martin Lotz, before the weekend. The cathedral itself would be very difficult to damage, so the surrounding area would also be kept in mind. The police are well prepared for the turn of the year, "for whatever may come", he said. It is also possible that police officers with submachine guns will be seen.

Anyone who observes suspicious things should not be afraid to give a tip-off. For example, "people behaving strangely or walking around with luggage in a conspicuous manner", said Lotz.

In general, the largest cities in the country are considered hotspots at the turn of the year. Cologne reacted particularly clearly after the experiences of a year ago and for the first time designated a large firework ban zone in the entire city center on the left bank of the Rhine. In addition, a completely firework-free zone is once again being set up around the cathedral, where even sparklers are prohibited. Düsseldorf is much more restrained. As in previous years, the state capital only bans firecrackers in the old town.

Essen and Duisburg, on the other hand, have completely dispensed with a local ban on firecrackers. Such a ban would merely shift the problems to other parts of the city, according to Duisburg. Dortmund has even deliberately lifted the ban on fireworks that has been in place for many years - for the first time since 2016, there are no special restrictions on pyrotechnics in the city. According to the city, they are "relying on the common sense of citizens and visitors", who have recently celebrated peacefully in the city center.

In general, the setting off of pyrotechnics in the vicinity of churches, hospitals, nursing homes and children's homes is prohibited nationwide.

Police statement on the danger warning for the cathedral (December 23) Police statement on security measures at Cologne Cathedral (December 26) Police statement on long-term detention for 30-year-old man (December 26) Cathedral statement Services in the cathedral Ministry of the Interior statement

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