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NRW-OVG hears dispute over ban on face coverings at the wheel

The Highway Code prohibits wearing a face covering while driving. However, exceptions are possible. A Muslim woman demanded one for herself. A court must now decide on this.

Is a Muslim woman allowed to drive wearing a veil? - Judges must clarify this.
Is a Muslim woman allowed to drive wearing a veil? - Judges must clarify this.

Dispute over face veils - NRW-OVG hears dispute over ban on face coverings at the wheel

Can a woman wearing a Muslim faith veil sit at the wheel of a car? This question will be dealt with by the North Rhine-Westphalia Administrative Court (OVG) on Friday (10:00 am). The claimant from Neuss had applied for an exception to the veiling prohibition in the Road Traffic Regulation with the authorities. She wears a veil, a so-called Niqab, which only reveals the eyes. The District Regulation Düsseldorf and the Administrative Court in the first instance rejected her request.

According to the Road Traffic Regulation, the driver of a motor vehicle must be recognizable. However, exceptions are possible. The Muslim woman refers to the religious freedom enshrined in the Basic Law. The veiling prohibition is therefore, in her opinion, unconstitutional.

The 8th Senate of the OVG is expected to announce a judgment in the appeal proceedings on Friday. He ordered the personal appearance of the claimant.

OVG Schedule

The Muslim woman, residing in Neuss, will argue before the 8th Senate of the North Rhine-Westphalia Administrative Court (OVG) on Friday, contending that the Road Traffic Regulation's veiling prohibition is unconstitutional due to her right to religious freedom enshrined in the Basic Law. She seeks an exception to the rule, allowing her to wear a Niqab while driving, as it only reveals her eyes. Prior to this, both the District Regulation Düsseldorf and the Administrative Court denied her request, citing that the veil hinders the driver's recognizability. If successful, her appeal would result in a landmark decision regarding the use of face veils in road traffic regulations in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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