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NRW issues deportation ban for Yazidi women and children

North Rhine-Westphalia has issued a deportation ban for Yazidi women and children. The order is valid for three months with immediate effect, with the option to extend it once by three months. This was announced by the Ministry for Refugees in Düsseldorf on Monday. NRW is therefore currently...

Josefine Paul (Greens), Integration Minister of NRW, speaks at an event.
Josefine Paul (Greens), Integration Minister of NRW, speaks at an event.

Human rights - NRW issues deportation ban for Yazidi women and children

North Rhine-Westphalia has issued a deportation ban for Yazidi women and children. The order is valid for three months with immediate effect, with the option to extend it once by three months. This was announced by the Ministry for Refugees in Düsseldorf on Monday. NRW is therefore currently the only federal state with a formal deportation ban for this group. The news magazine "Spiegel" had previously reported.

Yazidi women and children are exposed to considerable dangers in northern Iraq, the ministry explained its initiative. Forced prostitution, recruitment of child soldiers and enslavement had repeatedly occurred in the settlement areas in Iraq. Human rights organizations have reported that numerous women have been abducted and sold by IS fighters.

However, only the Federal Ministry can create lasting security for members of the Yazidi minority, explained the Düsseldorf Ministry for Refugees. The federal states could only issue a deportation ban on their own authority for a period of three months with a one-off extension option.

Unfortunately, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (CDU) is not drawing any conclusions from the devastating human rights situation in northern Iraq, criticized NRW Refugee Minister Josefine Paul (Greens). This is why NRW is now taking the initiative to at least offer protection to women and children who are particularly at risk. In the long term, however, the state could "not be the repair store for the Federal Minister of the Interior's failure to act".

Read also:

  1. In response to the issue, THE MIRROR reported that North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has implemented a three-month deportation ban for Yazidi women and children in Düsseldorf.
  2. The danger for Yazidi women and children in northern Iraq has led to this decision, as the ministry cited incidents of forced prostitution, child soldier recruitment, and enslavement.
  3. According to the Düsseldorf Ministry for Refugees, while they can issue a temporary deportation ban, lasting security can only be provided by the Federal Ministry.
  4. Criticizing the Federal Interior Minister's inaction, NRW's Refugee Minister, Josefine Paul (Greens), called for immediate protection for women and children at risk.
  5. Human rights organizations have documented numerous cases of Yazidi women being abducted and sold by IS fighters, further justifying the deportation ban.
  6. While NRW aims to protect these vulnerable individuals, Paul emphasized that in the long term, the state cannot be a "repair store" for the Interior Minister's lack of action regarding the remission of human rights abuses in northern Iraq.


