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NRW Greens elect new Board of Directors: dual leadership to run again

The Greens have crashed in the European elections in NRW and nationwide. At a state party conference, the ecological party discusses its future political course. The previous leadership duo is standing again.

The state chairmen of the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia, Tim Achtermeyer (l) and Yazgülü Zeybek...
The state chairmen of the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia, Tim Achtermeyer (l) and Yazgülü Zeybek at a press conference of the Greens in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Parties - NRW Greens elect new Board of Directors: dual leadership to run again

The Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia intend to determine their further political course at a party conference in Oberhausen on Saturday (from 11.00 am). At the same time, the co-chairs Tim Achtermeyer (30) and Yasemin Catatüğ Zeybek (38) are standing for re-election for another two-year term. Three weeks after the disappointing European election result, the approximately 280 delegates may also discuss consequences.

In the European election on June 9, the Greens in North Rhine-Westfalia lost ten points compared to the 2019 election, ending up with 13.5%. As a consequence, the state party wants to focus more on the everyday concerns of people and concentrate more on the young generation, among whom they lost particularly many votes. The Greens have been coalition partners of the CDU in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2022.

At the party conference, motions regarding the rehabilitation of road and rail infrastructure and for more tempo in digitalization are expected to be in the spotlight. Zeybek recently stated that people should once again have the certainty that they live in a functioning country. In addition, the North Rhine-Westphalia Greens are advocating for a modernization of the debt brake. The need for investment is said to be higher than ever, according to another motion. These sums cannot be achieved solely through budget savings. "Independently of this, a social policy cut from a green perspective cannot be the answer to the turning point."

Guests of the two-day delegates' meeting include the Green Federal Chairman Omid Nouripour, the CDU NRW General Secretary Paul Ziemiak, as well as the parliamentary group leaders Katharina Dröge and Britta Haßelmann.

Information about the party conference

  1. At the CDU in North Rhine-Westphalia's party conference, the Greens' co-chairs Tim Achtermeyer and Yasemin Catatüğ Zeybek seek re-election for another term.
  2. In Oberhausen, the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia will gather to determine their political course, a week after the disappointing results in the European elections.
  3. The Greens, who have been coalition partners with the CDU in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2022, will discuss the outcome of the European elections and potential consequences at their party conference.
  4. During the party conference, the North Rhine-Westphalia Greens are expected to discuss the need for investment in infrastructure and digitalization, as well as a modernization of the debt brake.
  5. Omid Nouripour, the Green Federal Chairman, as well as Paul Ziemiak, the CDU NRW General Secretary, will be among the guests at the two-day Greens party conference in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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