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Nouripour reports on the consequences of his work for relatives

Omid Nouripour, Federal Chairman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, speaks at the federal party
Omid Nouripour, Federal Chairman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, speaks at the federal party conference of Bündnis 90/Die Grü

Nouripour reports on the consequences of his work for relatives

Green Party Chairman Omid Nouripour has reported dramatic consequences of his political work for relatives in Iran. At his party's national convention in Karlsruhe on Friday, the co-chairman said that after he had spoken out clearly last year about the courageous women in Iran, he had received calls from relatives "asking me if I could keep it down because they had been threatened because of my work here". He added: "And not everyone survived that."

Nouripour, who ran for the chairmanship again, continued: "It was incredibly difficult for me to find my feet again." The 48-year-old Green politician spent his childhood in Tehran and came to Hesse with his family at the age of 13. He is a fierce critic of the Iranian leadership.

Mass protests against the government and the Islamic system of rule began in Iran in September 2022. The demonstrations, which were repeatedly violently suppressed, were triggered by the death of 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini in police custody. She had been arrested for violating the Islamic dress code.

Nouripour's advocacy for human rights, particularly the courageous women in Iran, has led to threats against his relatives in Iran. The Green Party chair acknowledged that not everyone in similar situations has survived these threats. Following his clear stand last year, he faced difficulty re-adjusting after relatives in Iran were threatened due to his criticisms of the Iranian leadership.


