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Notifications for redialing from January 2

Following the Karlsruhe ruling, it is now clear to what extent Berlin will elect the Bundestag once again. Speed is now of the essence in preparing for the ballot.

Berlin state election officer Stefan Bröchler sits in the hearing room.
Berlin state election officer Stefan Bröchler sits in the hearing room.

Federal election - Notifications for redialing from January 2

Following the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the partial rerun of the Bundestag election in Berlin, concrete preparations for the ballot on February 11 are now underway. Election notifications will be sent out to all eligible voters from January 2, as state election officer Stephan Bröchler told the German Press Agency. The documents contain information about the polling station and the possibility of postal voting.

Bröchler assumes that around 550,000 Berliners will be able to vote in the partial repeat election. That would be just over a fifth of the number of eligible voters in the election on September 26, 2021, which was marked by glitches and errors.

Bröchler and his colleagues in the Berlin districts have been busy preparing for the new ballot for some time. The ruling by the constitutional judges on Tuesday now gives them clarity, for example with regard to the required number of ballot papers, polling stations and polling assistants: according to the ruling, the Bundestag election must be repeated in 455 of Berlin's 2256 constituencies and associated postal voting districts.

As Bröchler explained, the twelve district electoral committees and the state electoral committee are discussing practical issues in Berlin on Wednesday. One concerns the ballot papers. In principle, the same parties and candidates will run in the partial repeat election as in 2021. However, the ballot papers must take into account a name change of the former NPD party, which is now called Die Heimat. In addition, at least one candidate from 2021 has died in the meantime. He will be removed from the ballot paper.

Based on feedback from the districts so far, Bröchler assumes that there will be no problems recruiting voluntary election workers. He wants to discuss this with representatives of the districts on Thursday. In view of the number of constituencies now in question, it can be assumed that around 3,000 or slightly more electoral assistants will be needed. By way of comparison, around 42,000 electoral assistants were deployed for the complete re-run of the elections to the Berlin House of Representatives and the district assemblies of representatives on February 12 of this year.

Federal Constitutional Court statement on the ruling from 19.12.

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The ruling from the Federal Constitutional Court on the Bundestag election repeat in Berlin will require the distribution of new ballot papers for 455 constituencies and associated postal voting districts. Stephan Bröchler, the state election officer, expects around 550,000 Berliners to be eligible to vote in the partial Federal election repetition. The German Press Agency reports that election notifications will be sent out to eligible voters from January 2, detailing polling stations and postal voting options. The Federal Constitutional Court's decision has provided clarity for preparations in Berlin, including the required number of polling stations and polling assistants. In addition, the previous NPD party has been renamed to Die Heimat, and at least one candidate from the 2021 ballot has unfortunately passed away, necessitating changes to the ballot papers.


