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Northwest experiences warmer spring than previous records.

In Spring 2024, Germany experienced its warmest temperatures since records began. Lower Saxony and Bremen also hit record highs.

The sun shines through the leaves of an oak tree.
The sun shines through the leaves of an oak tree.

Forecast from the meteorological agency - Northwest experiences warmer spring than previous records.

The spring season back in 2024, as per the German Meteorological Service (DWD), came across as having an unusual amount of rain and warmer temperatures in both Lower Saxony and Bremen. The mean temperature for the months of March to May in Lower Saxony amounts to 11.3°C. This average temperature was significantly higher than the long-term average of 7.9°C that the DWD meteorologists mentioned on Friday, during their spring analysis. Bremen, on the other hand, recorded a temperature record of 11.7°C. For the Weser area, the long-term average temperature is 8°C.

As the weather service for Lower Saxony stated, March was unusually mild while April was exceptionally rainy, leading to May being third-warmest. The spring progression in Bremen was seemingly comparable, with summer-like heat occurring in parts of Bremen and Lower Saxony, and followed by hefty rainfalls and thunderstorms. The overall rainfall during these three months was considered exceedingly excessive - 203 liters per square meter in Lower Saxony, and 212 liters in Bremen. According to the long-term average of data from 1961 to 1990, a total of 168 liters was expected for Lower Saxony, and 159 liters for Bremen.

Revealing an even more prominent discovery, Germany-wide, the spring season emerged as the warmest ever witnessed since the commencement of temperature measurements in 1881. A new temperature record for a spring was set at 10.8°C, marking a stark difference of 3.1°C from the globally acknowledged reference period of 1961 to 1990. The deviation observed between the present climate and the slightly warmer comparison period of 1991-2020 reached 1.9°C.

DWD's press statement on the meteorological conditions of the spring season in 2024.

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