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Northvolt reviews timetable for its expansion

Northvolt boss Carlsson is questioning his company's ambitious plans. What does this mean for the construction of the large factory in Heide?

Will Northvolt slow down the construction of the factory in Heide?
Will Northvolt slow down the construction of the factory in Heide?

Battery manufacturer - Northvolt reviews timetable for its expansion

Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt is examining the timeline for its expansion plans, including in Germany. The construction of the plant in Schleswig-Holstein, Heide, is not threatened, according to a company spokesperson. Delays and changes in the factory construction are not excluded. The withdrawal of a contract from BMW had no impact on Heide. Previously, the "Dithmarscher Landzeitung" reported on the review of the plans.

Northvolt CEO Peter Carlsson caused a stir with an interview in the Swedish medium "Dagens industri". In it, he emphasized, after the withdrawal of the two billion Euro battery cell contract from BMW, that the company had been too aggressive in its expansion plans. Northvolt is now reviewing this.

State Chancellery requests statement

The Schleswig-Holstein state government was surprised by Carlsson's statements. "We have immediately contacted Northvolt Germany," said State Chancellor Dirk Schröder. "Meanwhile, the business management of the state government has informed us that the company is fully committed to the Heide location and that construction work is progressing."

Northvolt's Germany CEO Christofer Haux met with members of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Schleswig-Holstein Landtag on Wednesday in Malmö, Sweden, to discuss the situation. "In the meeting, it was explained that the construction work on the battery cell factory in Dithmarschen is progressing as usual," said a company spokesperson. Currently, the land is being leveled and a gas pipeline is being laid.

Invitation to Sweden

The parliamentarians were informed that Northvolt is reviewing the ramp-up plans of its factories, said the spokesperson. "Northvolt remains committed to expansion in Germany and Canada." To further intensify the dialogue, the company has invited members of the Economic Affairs Committee to the first Gigafactory of the company in Skellefteå, Sweden.

Northvolt plans to build up to one million battery cells for electric cars per year at the Heide site in the future. The start of construction for the 4.5 billion Euro project was given at the end of March by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens). In the factory, 3000 jobs are expected to be created. The federal government and the state are promoting the battery factory with around 700 million Euros. In addition, possible guarantees of up to 202 million Euros, which still need to be approved, are planned.

  1. Northvolt's expansion plans in Germany, including the construction of the plant in Schleswig-Holstein, are currently under review by the company.
  2. Despite this review, BMW's withdrawal of the contract for battery cell production did not affect the construction in Heide.
  3. The CEO of Northvolt Germany, Christofer Haux, recently met with members of the Economic Affairs Committee in Malmö to discuss the situation.
  4. Northvolt is also looking at revising the ramp-up plans for its factories in other locations, such as Canada.
  5. As part of this dialogue intensification, Northvolt has invited members of the Economic Affairs Committee to visit its first Gigafactory in Skellefteå, Sweden.
  6. The planned expansion in Germany includes building up to one million battery cells per year for electric cars at the Heide site, which would create 3000 jobs and receive significant financial support from both the federal and state governments.

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