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Northern states: Federal government must keep funding promises for turnaround

The five northern German state governments have called on the federal government to keep its funding commitments for the energy transition. Together with the heads of business associations and trade unions, they adopted a position paper in Hamburg on Thursday to strengthen industry and...

Peter Tschentscher (M, SPD), Laura Pooth and Norbert Aust speak during a press conference after
Peter Tschentscher (M, SPD), Laura Pooth and Norbert Aust speak during a press conference after the Energy Convention.

Energy - Northern states: Federal government must keep funding promises for turnaround

The five northern German state governments have called on the federal government to keep its funding commitments for the energy transition. Together with the heads of business associations and trade unions, they adopted a position paper in Hamburg on Thursday to strengthen industry and accelerate the energy transition. "The federal government's electricity price package and the federal government's commitments to support innovation projects must be implemented," said Hamburg's Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) after the so-called Energy Convention of the Northern Germany Conference on the premises of copper manufacturer Aurubis.

The north is particularly well positioned for a successful energy transition, said Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil (SPD). "But to ensure that we remain an important location for basic industries, a bridge electricity price for energy-intensive companies is indispensable."

Schleswig-Holstein is sticking to its goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2040, said Dirk Schrödter (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery in Kiel. Now it is up to the federal government. "The targets set so far are ambitious, but necessary to ensure that Germany remains competitive." The head of the Schwerin State Chancellery, Patrick Dahlemann(SPD), emphasized: "From Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's point of view, it is particularly important that there is also a west-east connection in the development of a national hydrogen network that connects our state with its ports on the Baltic Sea coast with the other northern states."

The ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court on November 15 has called into question the financing of numerous projects from the federal climate and transformation fund.

Hamburg Senate Chancellery on the energy convention

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