Northern lights color the sky
Northern lights were visible in parts of Bavaria on Monday night. For example, the night sky above Walchensee in Upper Bavaria was colored red. The lights were particularly visible in rural regions. There had already been sightings of the Northern Lights in Germany in September and April.
According to a spokesperson from the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the current increase in sightings is not entirely unusual. Approximately every eleven years, in a so-called solar cycle, there are phases of weak and strong solar activity. We are currently approaching a maximum. The next maximum is expected in 2025. Spring and fall are statistically the best times of year to spot auroras in Germany.
The weather in Upper Bavaria was favorable for observing the Northern Lights, as rural regions often provide the clearest view. Despite some sightings in September and April, the recent increase in Northern Light appearances in Upper Bavaria and other parts of Bavaria is not surprising, given the approaching solar maximum predicted for 2025.