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Northern Germany: Rail timetable with faster connections

A new timetable will apply to long-distance rail services from Sunday. There will also be some changes on connections in and through northern Germany.

The logo of Deutsche Bahn (DB).
The logo of Deutsche Bahn (DB).

Traffic - Northern Germany: Rail timetable with faster connections

With the timetable change this weekend, Deutsche Bahn (DB) wants to improve its long-distance services in northern Germany. Among other things, trains will run faster on the route between Berlin and Amsterdam via Hanover from this Sunday and also more frequently in the direction of the coast, for example to Sylt, as the company announced on Wednesday. Passengers will also be able to travel more frequently from Hamburg to Copenhagen via Schleswig without having to change trains. In future, five Intercity trains per day and direction will run between Hamburg and Copenhagen every two hours all year round and up to eight in the season.

According to Deutsche Bahn, intercity trains between Berlin and Amsterdam via Hanover and Osnabrück will be 30 minutes faster in future, as there will no longer be a change of locomotive at the border in Bad Bentheim. Instead, so-called multi-system locomotives will be used. The journey time on the section between Hanover and Amsterdam will be reduced by 15 minutes, said a spokeswoman.

Accessibility to the coasts will also be improved: from March 2024, an intercity train will run daily all year round from Stuttgart or Frankfurt/Main via Hanover to North Friesland and as far as Westerland/Sylt - and in the opposite direction. On the IC route Cologne-Emden-Norddeich/Mole to East Frisia, more comfortable ICE trains will be used temporarily. In addition, the direct connection on Saturdays between Stuttgart and Norddeich-Mole will be one and a half to two hours faster.

A new ICE line on the Berlin-Hanover-Rhine/Ruhr axis via Wuppertal at two-hour intervals will be able to operate without separating and coupling train sections in Hamm in Westphalia. Trains should therefore travel up to ten minutes faster. The main station in Wolfsburg is to be connected to the ICE network more frequently than before, including as an intermediate stop on the Berlin-Hannover-Düsseldorf and Berlin-Stendal-Göttingen-Frankfurt Airport connections.

However, the timetable change in December will also mean higher prices. For example, the so-called Flextickets will cost an average of 4.9 percent more from December 10. The tickets are so called because they are intended to give passengers a certain degree of flexibility, especially when choosing trains.

Railroad announcement on the timetable change

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