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Nordmann firs and baby Jesus: thefts at the first Advent

The operator of a Christmas tree plantation had to experience a nice surprise on the first Advent: Two strangers sawed two fir trees from her field in Aldenhoven, North Rhine-Westphalia, and took them away. According to the Düren police, the two perpetrators got onto the site via a fence early...

A police patrol car with flashing blue lights at a scene.
A police patrol car with flashing blue lights at a scene.

Düren - Nordmann firs and baby Jesus: thefts at the first Advent

The operator of a Christmas tree plantation had to experience a nice surprise on the first Advent: Two strangers sawed two fir trees from her field in Aldenhoven, North Rhine-Westphalia, and took them away. According to the Düren police, the two perpetrators got onto the site via a fence early on Sunday morning and cut down the trees using a chainsaw.

Because the two thieves were anything but discreet and obviously "in a festive mood", they quickly drew the attention of the plantation's operator, said a spokesperson for the Düren police. Nevertheless, the Christmas tree thieves managed to flee the scene of the crime in a car together with the almost two-meter-high fir trees.

The police are now investigating the two strangers and are asking for "relevant information about suspicious persons, vehicles or Christmas trees".

The crime committed by around 15 teenagers at the Christmas market in Bocholt was also less than contemplative: the group stole the Jesus figure from the nativity scene there late on Friday evening, according to the Borken district police authority. The teenagers were apparently under the influence of alcohol.

Press release from the Düren police

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