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Norddeutscher Fußball-Verband keeps Schaffert as president.

The North German Football Association affirms its support for President Ralph-Uwe Schaffert, as determined by roughly 90 delegates during the 47th Association Congress in Bremen, per the German Football Association's announcement on Saturday. Schaffert expressed, "The next few years will be...

Ralph-Uwe Schaffert, DFB Vice President, sits on the stage during the award ceremony.
Ralph-Uwe Schaffert, DFB Vice President, sits on the stage during the award ceremony.

Football matches underway - Norddeutscher Fußball-Verband keeps Schaffert as president.

As for the first vice president, Uwe Doering from Schleswig-Holstein, and Vice President Patrick von Haacke of Bremen, they were both reelected. Meanwhile, Christian Roehling of Lower Saxony was appointed as an additional vice president. In terms of the financial realm, Christian Okun from Hamburg, who had been the acting vice president in charge of finance, was finally elected as the vice president of finance.

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