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No sign yet of missing Valeriia.

Young Valeriia, 9 years old, has gone missing from Döbeln for over six days; authorities continue their efforts albeit with limited resources.

View of Döbeln in the Saxon district of Central Saxony.
View of Döbeln in the Saxon district of Central Saxony.

Case of a disappeared individual - No sign yet of missing Valeriia.

A nine-year-old girl named Valeriia, who has been missing for almost a week, has yet to be found. The authorities in Chemnitz have been working tirelessly but have yet to discover any concrete leads. A representative from the Police Directorate spoke to the German Press Agency on Sunday, assuring that the search will carry on.

On Sunday, the focus will be on talking to the neighborhood residents. It's possible that someone might have noticed something significant due to all the media attention, the representative stated on Saturday evening. Although there will be police officers out and about on Sunday, the number of officers won't be as high as it was on Friday.

Valeriia was last seen on Monday morning as she headed to school around 6:50 am, as reported by the police. However, it was later revealed that she wasn't in class that day.

Read also:

  1. The German Press Agency reported on Sunday that the Police Directorate in Saxony assured they will continue their search for the missing nine-year-old girl Valeriia, who went missing a week ago in Chemnitz.
  2. During their search efforts on Sunday, the Police will focus on talking to the neighborhood residents in Döbeln, as a representative mentioned on Saturday evening, as they believe someone might have noticed something significant due to the media attention.
  3. Despite the ongoing emergency situation, there will be fewer police officers present in Döbeln on Sunday compared to the number that was there on Friday.
  4. In a related matter, the whereabouts of a missing person case have been a concern in Germany, with Sunday being another crucial day in the search for Valeriia.

