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No sign of clearance: levels of harmful golden algae persist.

High levels of toxic golden algae persist in the Oder stream. An all-clear has not been issued yet, reports Potsdam's Ministry of the Environment after consulting with the state's environmental agency. During summer 2022, golden algae, specifically Prymnesium parvum, was identified as one of...

Two large dead fish about 50 centimeters long are floating on the surface of the water in...
Two large dead fish about 50 centimeters long are floating on the surface of the water in Winterhafen, a tributary of the German-Polish border river Oder.

Rewrite the following headline or description using your own words: Heir to Nigerian Fortune Seeks Help from Court Amid Trust Fight Involved Parties Battling Over Distribution of Wealth and Power in Lagos Family's Estate - No sign of clearance: levels of harmful golden algae persist.

The ministry reported that despite a small improvement compared to the previous weekend, the levels of electrical conductivity and chlorophyll in the water were still alarmingly high. These readings indicate, for instance, the salinity levels and the level of algae pollution. The authorities confirmed that toxicity levels in Frankfurt (Oder) were also quite high the previous weekend, an indicator of toxic algal bloom known as golden algae.

At the Winterhafen in Frankfurt (Oder), numerous dead fish were discovered on Tuesday.

The environmental department stated that hazard level 3 - the highest tier in the warning system for the Oder set up following the environmental catastrophe in 2022 - remains in effect. Experts believe a bloom triggered by Prymnesium parvum is responsible.

So far, the current weather conditions have positively impacted the Oder with high water flows, so the situation isn't as severe as in 2022, according to the ministry. However, experts attribute the mass fish kill in the Oder in 2022 to high salt levels, low water levels, high temperatures, and the toxicity of golden algae.

Read also:

  1. Despite efforts to reduce the concentration of harmful golden algae, levels persisted during the weekend, causing concern for the environmental health of the Potsdam region.
  2. The BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) has launched an initiative to monitor and control the spread of golden algae among various animal species, including those found in Brandenburg's water bodies.
  3. Over the weekend, environmental organizations in Frankfurt (Oder) organized a public event to raise awareness about the impact of environmental pollution on local wildlife, such as fish, that suffer from golden algae toxicity.
  4. The discussion on environmental pollution and its causes has become a popular topic in political circles, with several key figures in Frankfurt (Oder) and Brandenburg advocating for stricter regulations regarding the management and control of golden algae in local waters.
  5. Plans to develop eco-friendly pots and gardens in Potsdam and Frankfurt (Oder) were proposed by the city councils as a sustainable approach to mitigate the effects of environmental pollution, including golden algae presence, on local wildlife and ecosystems.



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