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No rockets and firecrackers in the Bavarian Forest

The Bavarian Forest National Park Authority has asked visitors to refrain from using fireworks in the national park on New Year's Eve - to protect the animals. The Bavarian Forest around the Falkenstein, Rachel and Lusen mountains is a popular place to celebrate the turn of the year. However,...

A man lights a firecracker on New Year's Eve.
A man lights a firecracker on New Year's Eve.

National Park - No rockets and firecrackers in the Bavarian Forest

The Bavarian Forest National Park Authority has asked visitors to refrain from using fireworks in the national park on New Year's Eve - to protect the animals. The Bavarian Forest around the Falkenstein, Rachel and Lusen mountains is a popular place to celebrate the turn of the year. However, rockets and firecrackers put many animal species under stress.

Many species that are sensitive to disturbance, such as the endangered capercaillie, live at high altitudes around the mountain peaks in particular. According to the park administration, the light and loud bangs of fireworks cause the birds to flee in panic. As capercaillie quickly lose energy at low temperatures, this is often the death sentence for the animals.

The national park administration therefore asks park visitors and residents to show consideration for nature - and also to dispose of their New Year's Eve waste.


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