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No more wolf howling nights at Hanau's Fasanerie Wildlife Park

Wolf Monja has a problem with her brother Aslan. And therefore doesn't feel like howling with him in front of a large audience. This spells the end for a popular full moon event.

Biologist Marion Ebel with the two tundra wolves Aslan (left) and Monja (right) in Hanau's
Biologist Marion Ebel with the two tundra wolves Aslan (left) and Monja (right) in Hanau's Alte Fasanerie wildlife park.

Nature - No more wolf howling nights at Hanau's Fasanerie Wildlife Park

It's all over at the Alte Fasanerie wildlife park in Hanau. The wolf howling nights in front of an audience - a firm institution for many years and known far beyond the city limits - will no longer take place for the time being. Wildlife park biologist Marion Ebel says she no longer sees any point in continuing the events on full moon nights after a final attempt to get the remaining two wolves to howl together failed.

"The wolves actually enjoy howling together," explained Ebel. However, since the death of leader Inuq in September, the last two tundra wolves in the pack, Aslan and Monja, have found it difficult. At the last wolf howling night at the end of November, "Aslan tried his best again and howled well, but Monja unfortunately didn't make a sound," reported Ebel. The reason for this is that Monja has not accepted her brother as an equal partner.

"But it's too thin when only one wolf howls," she regretted. "We'll wait a few months now. But it's not a definitive end." The eerie howling of the wolves always attracts hundreds of visitors to the forest in the evening when the moon is full.

Nevertheless, with a bit of luck, visitors to the wildlife park can still hear the two wolves howling during normal opening hours - spontaneously, but no longer during full moon events. Sometimes visitors can also encourage the wolves to howl if they hit the right note and the animals are not distracted. December and January are actually the best "howling months", said Ebel. When Monja starts howling, her brother always joins in enthusiastically.

Maybe Monja will get a taste for it in the next few months after all. Perhaps next year, on Halloween, they will try again for a wolf howling night, said "wolf mother" Ebel. The biologist gave birth to Aslan, Monja and Inuq around twelve and a half years ago at the age of eight days and raised them with a bottle. She taught them to howl when the puppies were still lying on her stomach. "The animals are imprinted on me," said the biologist with a doctorate.

Information on the wolf howl at the Alte Fasanerie Wildlife Park

Read also:

  1. Despite the temporary absence of wolf howling nights at Hanau's Fasanerie Wildlife Park, visitors might still get the chance to hear the two remaining wolves, Aslan and Monja, howl during their normal opening hours.
  2. Marion Ebel, the wildlife park biologist, expressed her regret that only one wolf, Aslan, was howling now, as Monja has not accepted her brother as an equal partner.
  3. The Alte Fasanerie Wildlife Park in Hanau was once famous for its wolf howling nights, attracting hundreds of visitors with the eerie howling of the wolves under the full moon.
  4. In Hanau, nature lovers used to enjoy the unique experience of watching and listening to the howling wolves during regular leisure time activities at the wildlife park, especially during the months of December and January.
  5. The death of the pack leader, Inuq, in September, had a significant impact on the remaining wolves in the pack, making it difficult for them to howl together during the wolf howling nights at Hanau's Fasanerie Wildlife Park.


